Page 95 of Stealth Mission
No one responds. Not even a glance my way. They’re locked on like two dogs about to tear out each other’s throats.
He tips his chin toward the door and looks down his nose at her. “Run along, girl. Like I said, your father wants to talk to you.”
Marianna chuffs as she slams her hands on her hips. “I’m sick of people in this town getting involved in my business. Now, for the love of god, let this innocent man go. He’s done nothingbut try to help. Including trying to stop our bank from being robbed becauseyouwere nowhere to be seen.As usual!”
Oh, fuck.
She said that.
The cop's face turns as red as a tomato in the blink of an eye. It’s not a good look. Arteries are at risk of rupture.
“Check your temper, child. And for your information, I was attending to the report of a double murder.”
“Don’t call me a child.” Marianna inhales swiftly. “Wait, did you say a double murder?”
“Yes. A double murder.”
Her astonishment is clear. “A murder of two people? In Karma?”
While she’s surprised. I’m alarmed.
My pulse kicks up. The moisture in my throat evaporates.
Car bombs, now a double murder.
The Chief puffs up his chest. “It’s an ongoing investigation, but I’m on it and I’ll find the murderer. If I haven’t already.”
His gaze cuts my way.
Oh. Fuck.
This is not good.
Chapter Thirty-Three
A chill runs down my spine and settles in my blood.
Car bombs. And now a double murder. What is happening to my small town?
Unease tightening my vocal cords, my voice comes out rusty. “Where did it happen?”
Chief Willometa tosses a tan file folder on his desk, his frown deepening. “That is need-to-know information.”
Behind me, I sense Evan’s stillness. Rigid and observant.
The tension in the building grows thicker to the point of being suffocating.
When the chief takes a seat behind his desk, I risk a glance toward the jail cell.
For a beat Evan and I look at each other.
Could he be a murderer?
This doesn’t make sense to me at all. But am I blinded by this weird attraction? Yet, he’s been so good to me.
Is that all part of his ploy?
A buzz of discordant energy builds under my skin, forcing me to look away.