Page 17 of Dangerous Mission
Griff crawls onto the bench, flops over and curls up. I almost faint from the sight of my big, strong, brother lying in the fetal position with his hand over his eyes.
I drop my voice to a whisper as I take a hesitant step back. “Will you please take care of him?”
“Yes, yes. Now close the door.”
I’ve barely had time to step off the back bumper when the vehicle lurches forward, makes a turn and speeds off toward the airport exit.
I stare as the taillights disappear into the rain.
I guess I’m staying here.
Feeling off-kilter and still buzzed from adrenaline, I spin around and scan the scene of carnage.
Turns out the ambulance crew isn’t the only ones that have left.
Chapter Eight
It takes ten minutes to drive five miles. Between the hellacious rain and thick fog that’s settling in, there’s no way to go faster.
And then there’s the metal shit flapping on the truck.
It’s getting worse. I might be sleeping on the side of the road after all.
The sound of my phone ringing pulls me out of my blurry-eyed stare. Déjà vu hits me. This is exactly how this started when Beast called.
God bless.What now?
It’s an unknown number, but given the shit night we’ve had, I’m not going to ignore it.
It might not be a set of digits I recognize, but a familiar angry voice ramps up the second I accept the call.
“It’s Griff.”
No shit. I’d recognize that asshole tone anywhere.
I ease off the accelerator, an ominous feeling settling into my gut. “You’re on the way to the hospital, right?”
“What’s up?”
“I’ve got to say something and I’m regretting not doing it when we were face to face so you could see how serious I am about this.”
Drama much?“What, Kane? Spit it out.”
“Stay the fuck away from my sister.”
That’s out of left field.
“I’m sorry, I’m going on forty hours with no sleep, you’re going to have to explain how and why I’d have something to do with your sister who is some goddamned place in the United States.”
The phone crackles with static.
“Griff, are you there, you bastard?”
His voice fades in and out. I can’t understand a single word. But I get the tone. He’s irate.