Page 5 of Dangerous Mission
Shaking the impact off, I throw off my seat belt and hit the ground running.
This asshole is about to regret getting up this morning.
He yells something at me as I grab a piece of bumper off the ground.
“Let her go.”
He looks around wildly. Breathing hard, he yells, “Stop. I’ll shoot her.”
She whimpers, biting her lip as the man drags her into a chokehold.
There’s no way I’d risk taking a shot with him using her as a shield.
She meets my gaze with hers. There’s a plea in her pretty brown eyes.
“Easy, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
Snarling, the man tightens his hold. “You’re not getting her, I’m shooting her!”
Holding up my free hand, I steady my voice. “Then what?”
“Then… then, I’m shooting you.”
“Right. Think about this. I’ll be all over you in a second. You won’t have time to shoot me too.”
The eyes behind the mask get round. Dude is scared shitless right now.
Rightfully so. He’s fucked. I’m not backing down. Ever.
“Let her go.”
He shoves her aside, hard enough to send her crashing to the pavement. Her scream makes my skin tighten and my focus sharpen.
Now he’s pointing his pistol at my chest.
“You’re not getting away. You’re trapped. There's a man behind you, holding a gun on you. He’s going to take you out.”
Faked out, he glances over his shoulder.
I lunge, knocking the gun away.
He twists and drops to the ground and comes up swinging.
Terror in her voice, the woman shouts at me. “Watch out! He has a knife!”
I use my improvised weapon to block him, and dance out of the way.
He ducks when I swing the piece of hard plastic bumper at his head.
Fucker’s surprisingly fast. He’s not focused though, and that will be his downfall.
Moving quickly, I advance on him, keeping my breath steady and my weight balanced.
His eyes flick to my right and back. Stealing a look at the truck I rammed.
“Looking for backup?”