Page 51 of Dangerous Mission
My shit is in order. I hate chaos. Every moment of every day, I do my damndest to control it.
Unblinking, I let him see just how fucking serious I am ‘bout him getting lost.
Even though I know in the pit of my twisted gutthis is dangerous madness. Dancing with the devil that has my blackened soul.
Beast blinks first. Holds up his palm stop-sign-style. “Easy, brother. She needs to take this call.”
I grate out a reply as I put my gaze back on Aria, where it should have been all along. “In a damned minute.”
He says, “We’re short on time.”
Something I know well, but can’t seem to get a handle on this god blessed situation. The proverbial tires have been coming off the bus since the dive team’s plane landed last night. When Aria crashed into my life in the most literal sense of the word.
Fucking hell.
I grit my teeth and count to one because counting to ten wouldn’t do a damn bit of good. “We’re on it. But until you walk away, that’s not happening.”
In my peripheral vision, I watch Beast shake his head as he presses the phone to his thigh. “Aria, my cell’s going to be on the kitchen counter. Griffon needs to talk to you about your equipment.”
From beneath my barricading arms, she makes a sound that’s close to a word, but not exactly.
Beast finally gets a clue and gets his damned feet moving.
Son of a bitch. This disaster scene between Aria and me is partly his fault for forcing me to drive back with her. I can’t be alone with the woman.
She’s off-limits, she’s too young.
When I step back, I adjust my cock because if I don’t the head is going to stick out of the waistband of my tactical pants.
Balls.I’m hard as a baseball bat.
As I rearrange, I don’t even bother to hide what she’s already felt.
I keep my angry gaze locked on her face as I lay the attitude on heavy. “Yep, this is me, babe. One hundred percent the man you do not want to fuck around with.”
Her throat works as she swallows. But she’s so silent that I can practically hear her pulse surging.
Every little thing about her makes my blood sing.
Those doe eyes are wide enough for me to fall into and never be able to climb out.
Beautiful.Heart stopping beautiful.
And scared out of her mind.
Her fingers rise up to her throat to touch the place where my hand was wrapped around her neck. The color on her cheeks goes pale and her chest movement gets erratic.
That's when I remember… Aria doesn’t like to be touched.
Goddammit. I groan and curse myself silently. She doesn’t like to be touched and I wrapped my hand around her throat like she’s a fucking sub and I’m about to dominate her.
God.What have I done?
I scrub my hand roughly over my eyes and hope that when I open them I find out I’ve been on an acid trip.