Page 7 of Decked Out with Ivy
They were adorable, but also another reminder that Ivy was forever single. She didn’t even need an engagement or a wedding, just someone to share her dreams and ambitions with. Someone to go look at the Christmas displays with, who would wrap their arm around her when the wind became too cold. Who would make sure the seat heater was on when she got in the car. And who would cuddle up with her in front of the fire on a snowy night and not get mad when she pulled out her knitting needles during the movie they’d spent hours deciding on.
The jerkface, Cody Chance, popped into her head, and she mentally laughed at the absurdity of that thought. He was too rude, too pretty, and he hated Christmas.
No. She needed someone who shared in her love of the Christmas season.
She didn’t think it was much to ask for, and maybe Santa had a Christmas miracle waiting for her in his sack. But until then, she’d enjoy the company of her friends, her knitting needles and the sounds of her community gearing up for another raucous round of trivia.
Chapter 3
Cody headed into his trailer, wishing he had brought a coat onto the plane. He crossed his arms in a sad attempt to cover the big reindeer face on his sweater. He didn’t want people to think he actually liked this over consumer crazed holiday. The only reason he was even on a film set for a Christmas movie was because Ang Wu, an up-and-coming director, was the only person in Hollywood willing to give him another chance.
Apparently, he had a brother who fucked up a lot in college and said, if he’d never been given a second or a third chance, he wouldn’t be the tech mogul he was today.
If this movie shoot went well, Cody would have Ang to thank.
He ripped down a cardboard cutout of Santa taped to the cabinet above his sink and tossed it in the garbage before removing the garland that lined the ceiling and adding it to the trash.
It was bad enough the set was like a vomitfest of Christmas. He didn’t need to see that shit in his trailer.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he slipped it out. Ronnie’s name flashed on the screen, and he tapped into the text. She was letting him know she’d located his bag and he should have his own clothes by the end of the day. Thank God.
He sent a quick thank you, then plopped his butt on the sofa. He’d have to be at hair and makeup in twenty minutes, so he was hoping to close his eyes for at least fifteen of those twenty. He kicked his feet up when the sound of his door swinging open with gusto echoed through the space.
His body jolted to a sitting position as he stared at his costar. Her long brown hair was in rollers, and only half her makeup was done. She glared back at him, eyes narrowed, chin set in a hard line.
“Hi, Bex,” he said.
“Don’t youhi, Bexme. This is my town.” She pointed a disciplinary finger in his direction. “You might get away with your shit in LA, but here, it’s not going to fly.”
He’d been in town for not even twenty-four hours. That was barely enough time for him to start any trouble. “What shit are you talking about?”
“I heard about your little run-in with Ivy Parker.”
“The owner of Ivy’s Cozy Couture?”
“The blonde chick?”
“Yes, the blonde chick who has a name. Ivy. She is a sweetheart and doesn’t deserve to put up with your shit poor attitude.”
“She forced me to buy this sweater.”
“So?” Bex asked, hand on her slim hip, eyebrows arched toward her hairline.
“So… I made her a sale on her ridiculous sweaters. She should thank me.”
“Thank you? People like you are the reason I left Hollywood. You think you are God’s gift to the universe, and everyone should fawn at your feet.”
She didn’t actually leave Hollywood. She was still acting and climbing the ladder. She just sold her place in LA and made her permanent residence in this speck of a town. Why? He had no idea.
“I didn’t mean it that way,” he said, attempting to smooth things over. After all, he still had to work with the woman.
“Then what way did you mean it?” Her chin lifted in an impatient tilt.
“I didn’t think our encounter was that bad. I bought a sweater and mittens from her. Are you friends with her or something?”
“I’m friends with everyone in this town, but she also happens to be good friends with my sister-in-law.”