Page 26 of Deviant Secrets
Grim eyes met mine as he smirked before slamming the door and the unmistakable click from the outside locked me in this four walled hell. Starting to feel claustrophobic, I banged on the door in heavy, panicked breaths. I wanted out…and I needed her to come with me.
“Let me out! I didn’t do anything. Get your filthy goons off of her!”
I never understood why she put up with it, and I even tried to stop it, going to her parents. When brought up, they turned their heads. How could they do that to her? He may have been my brother, but Ezra Palmer was a monster, and he didn’t deserve her.
A few of his buddies had been there watching the whole thing in the open like it was some type of show. In a flash, he barked an order and she was hoisted up. Carried off somewhere upstairs, pleading and crying for him to reconsider.
Sweat lined my forehead and dripped down the creases of my forehead as I sprinted for the door, trying and succeeded in breaking it down. Wood splintered around me, and I winced in pain as my shoulder smacked into the wall.
Until recently, I hadn’t looked at her with a sinful thought, but I’d always cared for her. Now I was being faced with a choice. Leave it and go play like this never happened, or try to help, knowing tomorrow she would be right back in his arms.
Turning back toward the stairs and running the risk of losing a huge game, I took them two at a time until I reached the top. My heart thudded against my ribcage and anger latched to every vein, spreading it throughout my body.
Two of his goons stood against the door, and I busted in against their attempts to block my way. “Get the fuck out of my way. What are you doing to her?”
Instantly, hands gripped my arms and pulled me back, attempting to rip me out of the room. One of them was on top of her, holding her down and reaching for his zipper while my brother sat and watched. He had a grin plastered on his face, swirling the ice in his drink.
I lurched against the larger men to get to her, but all I succeeded in doing was getting a shirtless Ezra to move from the chair next to the bed and appear in front of me.
Her cries sliced through me. Two direct hits to my face caused my ears to ring, and I lost my footing. They dragged me into the hallway with ease.
“Don’t you have a game tonight? Pretty big I hear.” He chuckled. “This is a domestic matter.” The sinister smile caused my blood to run cold.
I clenched my jaw tight, challenging him. “A domestic dispute is between those in the relationship. Not every Dick and Tom that feels like watching the show.”
“Why does it matter? She’s going to be mine. Correct that, she is mine. What I do with her is none of your business.”
A pained cry echoed from down the hall and a shiver ran down my spine as I heard her begging for help. Needing me, and I couldn’t do shit. Fighting against their grip, I tried so hard to escape, but I was still dazed, and blood poured from my nose.
My gaze darkened on his smirking face, and I spat in his direction. “How many times have you done this to her?”
I swallowed thickly, her pleading voice tearing through my resolve.
“I see what this is,” He chuckled darkly. “Do you really think someone like her would even bat an eye in your direction?”
An angry tear walked a trail down my cheek, and I sniffed. He was right. She didn’t deserve either of us.
With a wicked grin, he nodded to the men, and I jolted forward, tumbling down the stairs. The sheer momentum tossing me down three flights of stairs with no mercy.
I must have blacked out a few times on the way down. When I came to, dull, tingling pain spread in my lower extremities, and I quickly became terrified. Praying that he didn’t just end a career that hadn’t even started yet.
I felt powerless as he stalked toward me, moving swiftly and dangerously down the stairs, and I used my arms to try and pull myself forward, away from him. I struggled on my stomach to slide on the floor and away from danger.
My head swam and threatened to pull me under. An excruciating pressure landed in the middle of my back, holding me hostage and stomped down.
“Such a shame, isn’t it? A rising star they call him,” he belted into the open air of the foyer and crushed his weight into my body once more. “Potentially one of the youngest captains if he can prove himself in the next few years.”
“Fucking stop!” I screamed it out, pleading over and over. The tears flowed in a tight stream down my face and my molars rubbed together painfully as my spine threatened to split under the pressure.
Ezra loomed over me, his face twisted in cruelty. “You didn’t see anything here tonight. If you say anything, your career Will.Be.Over.”
Right then, I didn’t care about a career. Pain sat deep in my gut and a sob escaped my lips, knowing I couldn’t help her.
“Say it Nicholas!”
“I didn’t see anything!” I seethed, swallowing mouthfuls of air as the pressure on my back increased. “I didn’t see anything!”