Page 3 of Never Fall Again
“I was going to say your dog is beautiful.” She willed her body to stop flushing scarlet, but it refused to cooperate. She didn’t have to see herself to know that her face, neck, chest, and even her feet were on fire. This was why she did best behind the walls of The Haven. She could interact with the patrons there with minimal difficulty. But put her out in public, and she became a tongue-tied, socially inept disaster.
Cal’s grin held mischief, and he leaned toward her. “If all goes as planned, she’ll be pregnant soon. I bet Eliza would love a puppy for Christmas.” His voice was cajoling and teasing, but at least he had the good sense to keep it too low for Eliza to hear.
He winked in a way that was friendly and not flirtatious, and Landry understood why Bronwyn liked him so much. He leaned back and in a normal voice said, “I gathered from your conversation with Carla that you’re going to build nearby.”
“Yes. I have three acres on the edge of Pierce land.” She watched him carefully as she spoke and was unsurprised when his grip tightened on the pen at her words.
“How long have you lived in Gossamer Falls?”
“Long enough to know the Pierce and Quinn families don’t get along. And long enough to know SPQ stands for Shaw, Pierce, Quinn Construction, but your father and uncle bought out the Pierce in question two decades ago. And while your last name is Shaw, your mother is a Quinn.”
“That saves me some potential awkwardness.” Cal’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Because I’m afraid if you’re building on Pierce land, they may object to having us as the contractor.”
“No. They won’t. The land is mine now. And Bronwyn Pierce told me to call you. She insisted and told me if anyone in the family gets their shorts in a wad over it, she’ll take care of it.”
Cal studied her for a long moment.
She couldn’t stand the silence. “I gathered that you and Bronwyn are friends.”
This time the smile was genuine. “Bronwyn and I grew up together. I have two cousins, Meredith and Mo, and the four of us were in the same grade and did everything together. The family drama made things difficult at times, but we’ve remained good friends.”
“She’s mentioned Meredith and Mo. Said the four of you were like a small gang as kids.”
Cal laughed. “It’s true. We were terrors, but our pranks were mostly directed at soft targets.” He tapped his pen on the legal pad. “Where exactly is this land?”
“It’s on the far edge of Bronwyn’s land. There’s a right-of-way to a state road, so that’s not an issue. Bronwyn’s land is on three sides—she carved out a three-acre spot for me. There’s a river on the fourth side. I’m not sure who owns the property on the opposite side of the river.”
Cal dropped the legal pad, sat back in his chair, and ran his hands through his hair. “I do.”
“You know who owns it?”
“Yes.” A huff. Several shakes of his head. “I do.”
A deep thrill of foreboding shot through her. He’d been easy and light since they walked in. Even her mention of the Pierces garnered only a small amount of tension. But well-controlled...something...radiated from him. She didn’t think he was angry. But he wasn’t happy. “Is it a secret or something? Is it owned by aterrible person? I don’t think Bronwyn would have sold me land that wasn’t safe, but—”
She reined in her babbling. “Yes?”
Cal leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “I’m trying to tell you who owns the land across the river from yours.”
She wanted to scream at him to spit it out already when he looked at her and pointed to himself.
“But...Bronwyn said no one lived there. That it was isolated. Safe. No one would be around me, and the only people who might ever build there were longtime residents. I guess I assumed. Oh dear. I can see you aren’t happy about having me as a neighbor. I’m not sure what to do about that.” She shook her head in dismay. “I’m sorry.”
Cal counted to ten in his head. He’d mucked this up and then some. He could blame it on shock. But the more Landry rambled, the more he found himself stuck on the words she’d spluttered.Isolated. Safe. No one...around.“Landry?”
“What?” No hostility or temper was in her voice. No hope either. It was flat and despondent. Nothing like the laughing woman who’d entered his office moments earlier. He hadn’t meant to, but his reaction had made her turn in on herself until she looked like she was trying to fade into the chair.
“Please. Forgive me. I was surprised on too many levels to explain at the moment. But I promise I’m a great neighbor. Or, I mean, I will be. Someday. Maybe. Not maybe about being a great neighbor. I’m the best neighbor. I know how to fix things, and I have a dog.”
Landry didn’t say anything, but somewhere in the middle ofthe verbal debacle he’d just subjected her to, a glimmer of light returned to her eyes, so he kept going. “And Bronwyn’s right. Itissafe. Isolated. There’s no one for miles who doesn’t have the last name of Pierce, Quinn, or Shaw.”
“I’m not sure that’s the ringing endorsement you seem to think it is, Mr. Shaw.” The words were formal, but the tone...Was she messing with him now?