Page 83 of Cornered
Given that Cassie had overheard Wyatt confess to drugging her and had heard Steven Pierce say that he thought kidnapping Cassie had been a terrible idea, it threw his entire testimony into question.
It might have ended there, but Wyatt was a paranoid guy—not surprising, given his occupation—and had hidden security cameras in his home. While the evidence against Steven Pierce in the kidnapping of Cassie Quinn was virtually nonexistent, there was unmistakable video evidence that Steven had attempted to kill Wyatt. The cocaine he’d used before he passed out at his table had been provided by Pierce and had been heavily laced with fentanyl. The doctors speculated that if they’d been even an hour or two later in finding Wyatt, it would have been too late to save him.
To firm up the case further, Mo was asked to take a look at The Haven’s security log-in system. Donovan had no idea how it all worked, but Mo found a back door in the code that had given Steven a way to hide an hour’s worth of keycard access information. The missing hour coincided with Wyatt’s destruction of Cassie’s kitchen.
Two days later, Donovan took extreme pleasure in placing Steven Pierce under arrest.
“WE HAVE MUCHto be thankful for.” Papa Quinn’s voice had a quaver to it, but it was still strong. Cassie leaned into Donovan’s side as they stood around the table at Papa and Granny Quinn’s on Thanksgiving Day.
He reached out and took Granny Quinn’s hand. “This year has brought new family into our circle. Some by marriage.” He winked at Cal’s wife, Landry, and their daughter, Eliza. “Some by the bonds of friendship and faithful service that we will never forget.”
Cassie knew he was talking about the men and women from the Gossamer Falls police force who had been invited to dinner with their families, all sprinkled in among the Quinns.
“We know that God is good. We know that he works for our good and his glory.” Papa Quinn choked up a little and took a deep breath. “Through all of the pain our family has been touched by this year, still he is faithful. And we choose to offer up a sacrifice of praise.”
More than one person, male and female, dabbed at their eyes. Papa Quinn raised Granny’s hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss there, then turned to the rest of the family. “We love you all. We’re so thankful for you. Now let’s eat!”
In the chaos of over sixty people helping themselves toturkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and gravy, Cassie slipped her hand into Donovan’s and pulled him toward the edge of the property and into the woods. As soon as they were out of sight of the main house, his arm slid around her waist, and he dropped a kiss to her hair. “Cassie, baby. I hope you know that this is a testament to my love for you. Because your granny made her homemade dressing and those people”—he nodded toward the house—“are vultures. There won’t be anything left when we get back.”
Cassie grinned. “I’m not going to keep you long.”
“Oh?” He pretended to pout. “Well, to be honest, I’m a little disappointed.”
She led him to the bench that Papa Quinn had made for Granny, and they sat. Cassie twisted her body around so she was facing him. “I’ve decided to take Bronwyn up on her offer.”
With all the chaos and upheaval after the attacks on Cassie, she’d told Bronwyn that she needed time to think and consider before she accepted the position as head chef.
Those first few weeks after the arrests had been brutal. The press had descended on Gossamer Falls. Their quiet town became the focus of the national news and brought the worst kind of attention to The Haven. The relative anonymity that had long protected Gossamer Falls was destroyed.
Bronwyn told Cassie she could take all the time she needed, as long as she treated the kitchen and the staff like they were hers and made whatever changes were necessary.
Cassie needed the time to be sure that she wasn’t using Hideaway to, quite literally, hide away from her own life. And she’d wanted time to think about what she would need to be truly happy as the chef.
“As of yesterday, I’m officially the head chef at Hideaway. Bronwyn said they’ll be changing all the letterhead and menus and everything next week. So apparently my first order of business is to approve the font. How crazy is that?”
240PEACE AND CONTENTMENTlike he’d never known flooded through Donovan. But he kept his voice as noncommittal as possible and asked, “Are you sure?”
She was radiant as she nodded and said, “So sure. It’s perfect for me. Bronwyn agreed to everything I asked for. I can stay here, close to my family, and you.”
He cupped her face with his hands. “If you ever change your mind—”
“I won’t.”
He rubbed his thumb across her lips. “If you do, I’ll go with you. These past months have shown me that the thing I need most is you. The rest I’ll figure out. As long as we’re together, I’ll be fine.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.
“I need you too. More than I need fancy kitchens and accolades. I’m not giving anything up by staying here. I’m getting everything I could have ever dreamed of.”
Donovan had been wondering when the time would be right. He’d been ready since September but hadn’t wanted anything about their relationship to sway Cassie in her decision. But now? He couldn’t wait another second.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring.
Cassie looked down and then back up. “Donovan!”
“I know everyone will say it’s too soon. And maybe you think it is too. You don’t have to say yes right now, but—”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” She punctuated each word with a quick kiss. “Forever. Always. Together. Yes.”