Page 92 of Cornered
“I made you these.” She lifted the tray. “To thank you for the beautiful rockers.”
“You didn’t need to do that.” He dropped his sponge into a bucket and wiped his hands on a towel. “Those look delicious.”
“I hope you enjoy them.”
He grabbed one and bit into it. “Just like my Janine used to make.”
Lahela’s heart ached for her neighbor. Janine had died almost thirty years ago and yet he’d kept remnants of her around, like her dark-green Volvo, caring for it and protecting it like she was still around to drive it. It was both sweet and sad. And sometimes brought up the painful memories of losing her brother Ikaia.
A cool breeze drifted through the trees and she shivered. This was not where she wanted her thoughts to go on such a beautiful day. After praying last night and again this morning, she was leaning into the truth that God made all things new—including her hope that there was nothing behind the calls.
“Was that your fella?”
Lahela shielded her eyes against the sun. “My fella?”
“Last night.”
Oh.Briggs. “We’re friends.”
“I remember when I was sweet on my Janine. Never could get enough of her, and when we were apart, she’s all I thought about.” His gaze turned teary, but he offered a smile.
Lahela thought about Briggs. Her cheeks bloomed with a heat that had nothing to do with the above-average temps.
Her cell phone rang and a chill sliced through her.I’m notgoing to be afraid of answering my phone. But her words held no sway over the twisting in her stomach. She turned from Mr. Dunn, pulled her phone from her pocket, and nearly cried out in relief when she saw that it was Daphne.
She took a step to the side and answered. “Hello.”
“Hey—what’s wrong? You sound funny.”
“That’s the sound of relief.” The back of her eyes burned. Would she ever be able to hear her phone ring without fear pulsing through her?
“You haven’t had more calls, have you?”
Lahela inhaled deeply to settle her nerves. “No, thank goodness.”
“Good. So, the reason I’m calling...” Daphne’s voice did that thing where it went high because she was about to say something unlikable, but it was usually reserved for Nash. “I can’t come pick you up.”
“Oh ... Okay.”
“But. ..” Daphne’s tone changed. “Briggs is coming to get you.”
“What?” Her raised response pulled Mr. Dunn’s gaze to her, and she offered him a smile. “Daph, what did you do?”
“Nothing,” she said on a laugh. “Something came up and I’m not going to be able to join you today. That’s all.”
That didn’t feel likethat’s all, and a flight of nervous energy moved through her. Briggs was taking her to the flamingo festival and Daphne wasn’t going to be there.Wait. “Is Nash meeting us there?”
“Uh, no ... I think he had something come up too.”
“So, are you dressed and ready?”
Lahela looked down at the jeans and pink sweater she’d chosen for today. With the sun bearing down, she was already wondering if she’d need to change her top. Fall weather in Texas was as unpredictable as second-grade show-and-tell.
“I hope it’s something cute because Briggs is already on his way.”