Page 109 of Beast: Part Two
Without a word being said amongst us, Malia, Summer, Ari, and I have all taken turns to help out with Charlie. My mom has been a godsend as well, but she’s been back and forth with DOE a lot more lately. Since they are helping us track down Corbyn’s homes, she’s been at their headquarters helping out. I was glad she was able to make it to my gender reveal four days ago.
I know Albany loves her baby and doesn’t mind spending as much time as she can with him, but with Priest gone, we try to lighten her load as much as we can.
“How was she this morning?” I ask.
Summer looks up at me before placing Charlie in his highchair. “She seemed fine, but...”
She doesn’t have to finish that statement. Since the day of Priest’s funeral, Albany has been like a robot. She’s up every day ready to guide the guys on their next task and to track down Corbyn’s crazy ass kids, but she definitely isn’t herself. She puts on this face as if it’s all business, but I can see all the pain she’s hiding. We know she’s hurting. If Walker died, I’d be completely inconsolable and useless. My sister loved Priest. She’s loved him a lot longer than I’ve even known Walker.
Honestly, they are all still hurting. They’re being strong, working together, and staying on task, but they are all in pain. Poor Summer has been a lifesaver, distracting everyone, but the distraction is only short-lived. They need time and they need to deal with their feelings.
I take two muffins out of the tray and place them on the plate, along with some fresh fruit and bacon.
“I’m going to go check on her. Do you need any help with Charlie?”
“No. I’m good. Go on,” Summer says as she tickles Charlie and makes him laugh.
Taking the plate of food, I make my way upstairs to my sister’s room. I knock before opening the door.
“I got breakfast,” I sing.
Scanning the room, I don’t spot her, but a sound coming from the closet has me heading in that direction. I place the plate down on the foot of the bed before walking into the closet. I pause at the door when I spot my sister sitting on the floor wrapped in one of Priest’s shirts, silently sobbing.
I rush over to her, getting on my knees, I pull her into my arms.
“It’s okay, I got you.” I say stroking her hair.
“Why, Brook?” She cries. “Why did he have to leave us?”
I won’t lie as if Priest was my favorite person in the world, but he had grown on me. And I know his impact on his family.He was their rock. But more importantly, he was the love of my sister’s life. I know I may have given him a hard time before, but I know for a fact he loved Albany.
“I don’t know why these things happen, sis. And I wish I could take your pain away.”
I rock her in my arms as she cries. I don’t know for sure how long we remained that way. Eventually, the sobs turned into whimpers before they became nothing but sniffles.
Albany sits up, wiping her face and nose with her hand. I remain seated beside her.
“Sorry about that,” she says.
“Don’t apologize,” I say wiping her cheek. “You were due for a good cry. You’ve been so strong lately.”
She chuckles and shakes her head. “Is that what it looks like? I’ve been a wreck. At least twice a day I have a breakdown in this closet. Every time I see his suits hanging here, it just…..” She never finishes her statement.
I look around the large walk-in closet. So many black suits and white crisp shirts.
“Did the man own any other clothes outside of suits? He dressed like a mortician.”
Albany snorts before laughing. I relish in her laughter. It’s been so absent since the day Priest was announced dead that it sounds like a gift from heaven.
“I loved him in suits,” she says.
“Of course you did. It fit your old man fetish.”
She chuckles again before sobering. “I don’t think I’ll ever love again.” She places her head on my shoulder. “No one will ever compare to him.”
“If this is about to turn into a conversation about how good his dick is, I’m going to leave your ass in this closet.”
Once again, she bursts into laughter.