Page 11 of Beast: Part Two
I walk over to Summer’s body lying on the table. The two dark-haired females that helped Doc with the surgery smile at me. A blanket covers Summer’s body. She looks pale, her golden-brown skin looks dull. But most importantly, her chest is rising and falling underneath the cover.
There is blood smeared on her face. I use my hand to wipe it away.
“They tried to take her from you, Gabriel. We should kill them all. Everyone,”the sinister voice says in my head.
“We should,” I mumble.
“Did you say something?” One of the females in the room asks.
“There’s a knife right there. Cut out her heart and watch as she bleeds out. Just like Summer bled out.”
I don’t realize my hand is on the scalpel until the bite of the blade digs into my palm.
“Oh my goodness, you’re bleeding,” the woman closest to me says.
I toss the blade back down on the metal tray, causing a clanking sound. Once again, I lost control to the monster in my head. I have to get out of here. I have to get away.
The voice in my head laughs as I quickly make my way out of the operating room. The moment I step back out into the waiting room, all eyes turn to me and silence fills the space.
“Beast, are you okay?” Albany asks.
I don’t respond. Instead, I turn and run for the door. The shouting of my name behind me doesn’t stop me or slow me down. I run for their lives.
chapter Three
“Have you heard anything?” Lucien asks as soon as I walk into the kitchen at the ghost house.
It’s been three days since Beast stormed out of Doc’s makeshift hospital.
“No, nothing yet.” Even though I’ve called Robert and left countless voicemails in the last three days, I have yet to get a call back from him.
I’m starting to worry a little. It’s not like Robert to disappear without a trace or to go without responding to my calls. I admit, I’ve never had to call in a favor before, but he would still answer for me.
“Any luck finding Beast?” I ask Lucien.
He’s been on Beast duty since he left that day. Although I would’ve liked to have followed him and brought him back immediately, my intuition and years of dealing with Beast told me to give him his space. Something is off with my son. I’ve seen him amid his haze many times. I’ve watched him battle his mother and although she is ruthless, he’s always been able to control her. But whoever is in his head now is proving to be a much stronger adversary and much more dangerous.
“No,” Lucien says answering my question. “But so far there have been three disciples, and two deacons reported dead. At least we know he’s still around the area.”
“When will they learn,” I say shaking my head. “Approaching Beast now is a death warrant. He’s not himself.”
Lucien nods his head. Hearing about the brutal ways those Church members have been showing up shows me that Beast is far from okay.
“How is little Gabe?” Lucien asks, distracting me from my thoughts.
Pulling the chair out across from him at the table, I take a seat.
For the first time since I walked into the kitchen, a smile spreads over my face. The best thing about these three days has been the time I’ve spent with my grandson. Other than the first night he got here, he’s adapted well to me and his uncles.
We don’t fault him for his breakdown that first night. He was in a new house with strangers and off his routine. It was a lot of change in a short period of time. Not to mention his mom hasn’t woken up and his father is missing. Anyone would have struggled with that.
The kid is super fucking smart, funny, and easy to hang with. He’s not demanding and doesn’t talk much. He seems to just enjoy being in someone’s presence.
“He’s good,” I answer Lucien’s question. “A lot happier now that his mom is back under the same roof as him.”