Page 116 of Beast: Part Two
“Now who are you?” Nolan asks. He’s moving around me. “Can’t be anyone that truly knows me, because this is too bold of a move.” He chuckles.
“We’re coming in,” Beast says.
“No,” Red argues. “Give him time. If you run in, it will draw too much attention.”
“Will you please shut up so I can focus,” I say as I push up from the ground.
“Focus on what?” Nolan laughs.
I take in my surroundings. It’s obvious I’m in a sauna, which means somewhere on the wall are the controls for the steam. I slowly climb to my feet.
“I’m going to enjoy kicking your ass,” Nolan gloats.
I’m shoved from the back into another wall. My hand hits something hard and square.
Well, lucky me. Finding the dial on the machine, I turn it all the way to the left. I’m then grabbed and spun around. Nolan shoves me into the wall again before he gives me a left hook to the face, followed by a right. I again drop to the ground.
Nolan grabs the back of my hair and hauls me back to my feet. However, he hesitates before swinging.
“What the hell?” he mumbles.
From the mugginess in the room, I can tell it’s filling with steam. The sound of heavy footsteps moving away from me tells me Nolan is retreating.
“I can’t see shit,” Nolan fusses.
A slow smile spreads over my face. Closing my eyes, I focus on the sounds around me. The gust of wind blowing at me tells me exactly where he is. I send my fist into him, connecting with his jaw.
He grunts before hitting the wall behind him. I follow the sound, cornering him as I rain down blows on him. My knuckles split against his face, but I keep going.
At some point, he musters up enough strength to shove me off him. I stumble back, my foot hitting something solid. I smile as I bend down and pick up my gun.
Nolan’s feet smack against the floor. He’s moving in circles. The way the air keeps brushing against my face tells me he's swinging blindly.
“Where the fuck are you?” he yells, giving me his exact location.
Holding up my gun, I aim it and fire. The thud of his body hitting the floor is comforting to me. I feel around the ground until I find the glasses. I put them back on my face.
“Oh fuck,” Lucien sighs. “He’s alright.”
“Thank goodness,” Red says.
Squatting down. I feel for Nolan’s body reaching for his neck.
“No need to check,” Lucien says. “You got him right in the temple.”
I still make sure he has no pulse. Once I’m satisfied, I stand back up.
“I’m getting too old for this,” I say exhaling.
“Sounds like you got your ass kicked,” Zel laughs.
“He definitely got his ass kicked,” Beast adds.
I stumble out of the sauna, closing the door behind me. Retracing my steps back to the table, I grab my toolbox before heading to the elevator.
“At least the job is done. Call the cleanup crew.”
“They are already there,” Red says.