Page 120 of Beast: Part Two
I do as he says, but I also cross-reference the churches with Corbyn’s name as either a member or a donor.
“Bingo,” I say. “It seems like Mr. Corbyn has a strong affiliation with about five catholic churches around the city.”
“Put them on the screen,” Angel directs.
I cast my computer screen to the large monitor in the room.
“Not bad,” Angel says. “We can hit all five this week.”
“Slight problem,” Zel says. “If Adam is the money man, wouldn’t we run across him? And if we kill him, it will alert Corbyn we are after his kids.”
Zel had a good point. We needed to make sure he never figured out what we were doing.
“Not necessarily,” Maksim says. “Lucien, I need you to track all movements of Adam while we hit the churches. If we kill Adam while robbing one of the churches it will look like a case of wrong place wrong time to Corbyn. He won’t sweat over the loss of one of us dying in the midst of a robbery.”
“I’ll keep an eye on his movements. Is there any way we can find the schedule for the money drops? That will be the best way to figure out how to get to Adam.” I say.
“I’ll ask Kyra to look into it,” Angel says. “She can go back through the camera systems of all the churches to see when the drops were made.”
“I will advise you,” Maksim says. “Adam won’t be an easy take down. I, Zeke, Archie, Victoria, and Yohan all liked to work alone. But the other three have their own personal bodyguards.You won’t just go up against Adam, you will go up against his men as well.”
“I’ll do it,” Beast says shrugging. “When the time comes, I’ll go in.”
“Can’t be you, brother. If we go into one of those churches on money count day, there will be guards all around that building. You look too much like Corbyn. Adam’s men will recognize you immediately.”
“He’s right,” Angel says. “When we go after Adam, we will need someone they won’t recognize, is good with stealth, and is crazy enough to run headfirst into a church with guns blazing.”
For the first time since Priest’s death, I feel Seth stir inside me.
“Someone call for me?”he asks in my head.
A wide grin spreads across my face.“About damn time you showed up.”
“Yeah, yeah. Let me out, nerd.”
Speaking to the room, I tell them, “I know the perfect person for the job.”
chapter Thirty-three
Money Man
“God sees all. He’s coming back,” I say as I stand in front of St. Augustine’s Church.
For the last four days, the guys have been hitting every church Lucien found that was connected to Corbyn. They’ve stolen almost twenty million in cash.
Kyra went through with her research and discovered that this last Church was our best chance of running into Adam. Today was the day he delivered the money. And it was the first day I was making my reappearance.
“I’m glad to finally have you back, brother.”Lucien says in my head.
I’ve been out here a couple hours now. I’ve caught a few nasty looks, collected about six dollars in change, and I’ve been provided two cups of coffee and a cheeseburger. However, I have yet to see the man I’ve come for.
I turn to look up at the large building built in 1893. There is a ramp that goes from the street to the front door. The ramp’s tall retention wall doesn’t allow me to see the front door or for anyone at the front to see me.
“How’s it going, Seth?” Zel’s voice comes through the earpiece.
Zel is on top of one of the buildings nearby with his M24. Beast, Maksim, and Many are down the street in a catering van. If things go left, they are all ready to help.