Page 136 of Beast: Part Two
“Oh no,” Malia chuckles, joining me at my side. “Did you and Hawk have sex on the washing machine again?”
Brooklyn snorts. “Not this time.” She straightens up and smiles. “Although we did have a quickie this morning before he left.”
I laugh. I can’t say anything because I rode Gabriel’s dick for a while this morning. For some reason, I’ve been all over the man. My sex drive has skyrocketed. I know why he’s been so eager to have sex. He’s still chasing away his memories from that day, but I’ve taken it to a new level.
Suddenly, my phone vibrates against the kitchen counter. I don’t even have to look at it to know who it is. My sister has been calling me nonstop for the last two days. I have yet to answer her call. I stare at it until it stops.
“Girl, that phone has been ringing every ten minutes since you put it down,” Malia says.
“It’s my sister,” I groan.
“Oooh, sounds like family drama,” Brooklyn says. “Why don’t we like the sister?” She places her forearms on top of the island.
I laugh. I love that she immediately takes my side without even knowing the facts.
“Raina and I have never gotten along.” I shrug. “I used to think it was because I was an addict. But it started much sooner than that. My mom had a lot to do with it. The last time we talked, we had a huge falling out and I have no plans to speak to her again.”
“Do you think she is calling to make amends?” Malia asks, placing the seasoned steak in the fridge.
“I mean, homegirl has called you like twenty times in the last hour,” Brooklyn says, rubbing at her back. “There has to be a reason. I love Albany to death but, I’m not blowing up her phone like that unless it’s important.”
When I told Trina about the phone calls yesterday, she said the same thing. They all had a point. As much as I didn’t want to talk to Raina, there had to be a reason she was calling me back-to-back like this.
Suddenly, my phone rings again. I glance at the screen and sure enough, it’s Raina. Sighing, I put the knife down, dry my hands on the dish towel, and then pick up the phone. I walk into the hallway before answering.
“Finally,” she huffs. “I’ve been calling you for two days.”
“I know. What do you want, Raina?”
There is a pause on the phone. It’s like she’s talking to someone else or just distracted.
“Hello?” I say, getting her attention.
“Sorry,” she says. “That was MJ. He uh…. asked about Gabe.”
Crossing one arm over my chest while I hold the phone up to my ear with the other, I walk further away from the kitchen.
“Gabe is fine.” I don’t say anything else. I wanted her to feed this conversation.
“Where are you?” she finally asks.
“Out of the state,” I lie.
She’s quiet again. “When are you coming back?”
“Raina, is there a reason for this call?” I pinch the bridge of my nose. After the talk with Brooklyn and Malia, I was hopeful that this was a call that could possibly mend our relationship. But she just seems to want to chat about mundane stuff.
“I’m sorry for bothering you,” she sighs. “I just wanted to know if you’re okay.”
Feeling slightly guilty, I change my tone a little. “Thanks for reaching out. I’m fine. Gabe is fine. I’m not sure when I’ll be back. Maybe when I get back, we can—”
“Oh, Summer, I have to go,” she says cutting me off.
I’m shocked by her abruptness, but it could be something serious.
“Okay. Well, I’ll talk to you….” My phone beeps, telling me the call is disconnected.