Page 146 of Beast: Part Two
I also strongly believed that.
“Hawk, do you have that blueprint memorized?”
“Like the back of my hand,” he says through the earpiece. Him, Seth, and Many are around the back side of the home waiting in the crop of trees behind the house.
“Remember,” Maksim states. “If he gets to those tunnels, we will lose him for good.”
Built under the house was a mile long tunnel that ended near a dock. Gassed up and ready to go was his very own boat. We didn’t have enough of us to cover the dock as well as storm the house, so our best bet is to kill him here. We wanted to keep this job small. DOE offered a handful of my sisters, but we preferred they stayed back with Brooklyn and the others at the house.
“Don’t worry. We got this,” Seth says
It took us three hours from the moment we hacked that phone call to now, to get to this point. We have run down the plan and every possible scenario. It’s now or never.
Tapping at the back of the van door has me moving to open it. Standing in front of me is Roberto and his mother, Louisa.
“What can you tell us?” I ask the pair.
Louisa has been cleaning and taking care of Corbyn’s home for ten years. Apparently, he’s an asshole of an employer and doesn’t pay well. Unfortunately for him, it made it easier for us to get her on our side.
“The three children are there and Corbyn. But there is no woman with braids or child.”
“Are you sure?” Beast asks, coming up behind me.
Roberto turns to his mother and asks her in Spanish, if she’s sure she didn’t see a woman with braids and a child in the house.
“No. I’ve been at that house every day for the last five days. There is no woman with braids or child,” she answers him in Spanish.
I quickly relay her words to Beast. He nods his head. That isn’t the best news, but if all goes well, we’re hoping we can find a clue to their whereabouts either in the house or by prying it from Corbyn’s mutilated body. It also allows us to go in heavy with gun power, not worrying about hitting Summer or Gabe.
Beast goes back into the van, before coming back out with one of those large black duffels filled with money we got from the church. He hands the duffle to Roberto. The man’s eyes nearly pop out his head when he sees the amount.
“Thanks again,” I tell the mother and son duo. They quickly clear out.
“All right,” I say, so that everyone can hear. “The sun is going down. It’s time to get to work. Summer and Gabe aren’t there, so I need Corbyn alive until we figure out where they are. Set your timers to forty-five minutes.” I set the timer on my watch, but don’t press start. Maksim, Beast and I suit up, grabbing everything we will need.
“Many, Seth, and Hawk, start heading to the mansion. We are on our way.”
Maksim, Beast, and I set off toward the mansion. It takes us no time to make it to the home. As soon as the house is in sight, I give Zel the signal.
“Zel, start us off.”
“Sure thing, boss.” Zel starts the countdown from ten in our earpiece.
A loud whistling sound shoots through the night. Seconds later, the front of the mansion explodes as the missile Zel launched goes through the front door.
“Whew!” Zel shouts. “I got to get me one of these shoulder rockets.”
“Let’s go,” I shout as I hit start on my watch’s timer.
Maksim, Beast, and I rush toward the mansion. We move quickly, taking down the guards in our path. The rocket blast helped eliminate some of them. It also helps that Zel and Kyra are taking folks down from the roof of the home across the street. We lucked up when we found out the house was empty.
I shoot a guard that’s running toward me with a gun and before I can turn and aim my weapon at the second guard; he drops.
“I got you, Aurora,” Kyra says through my earpiece. “Get inside. Hiroshi and I will handle the rest of these out here and make sure no one leaves the property.”
Beast and I meet Maksim around the front of the house where the hole is. We step through together.
A guard comes out of nowhere. As soon as the three of us turn our guns in his direction, a harpoon flies through the air and pins the man against the wall beside him.