Page 150 of Beast: Part Two
He laughs. “I’m giving you one last gift. He will be my greatest legacy.”
His body goes limp in my arms. I roar as I slam his head against the concrete tunnel walls over and over. I don’t stop until I feel hands on my shoulder.
“He’s dead, brother. It’s done,” Maksim pleads.
I release Corbyn’s bloody corpse and step away from him. My heart is racing, and my world is spinning. Even after all this, I don’t know where my family is.
“We will find them,” Albany says.
“Lucien will work nonstop until he locates them. With DOE helping, we will find them.”
They all rally around me, but they don’t understand without Summer and Gabe I can’t go on. I can’t face another day not knowing if they are safe and alive. It’s been hard these last few days trying to keep the darkness away and to remind myselfwhat’s real and not. I won’t be able to manage it much longer without them.
“Yes, give in to the darkness for good,”the demon whispers.
“My greatest legacy,” Maksim repeats Corbyn’s words while looking down at his body. He turns and looks at me. “To Corbyn you were the greatest prodigy he had. It was why me and my siblings hated you.”
“What are you getting at?” Hawk asks.
“He said he was giving you the greatest gift. Which means he’s giving you, you.”
“How would he do that?” Many asks.
Albany gasps. “By creating another Beast.”
“So, Gabe’s at the Church?” Seth asks.
“No,” I growl as I realize what he meant. “He’s with my mother.” I take off back down the tunnels. We needed to get out of here and back to that jet. It’s finally time I face my mother once and for all. And this time, one of us won’t survive.
“Let’s go kill that bitch once and for all,”Priest says in my head.
Chapter forty
Like Father
Using the skinny nail I found on the floor, I fiddle with the cuff lock around my ankle. TV makes breaking into locks much easier than it is. I’ve been trying to get this lock open for the last three days.
“Come on, you stupid lock,” I whine.
The squeaking of the basement door has my head turning in that direction. I quickly hide the nail under the covers on my cot. Standing to my feet. I wait for her to appear.
“Your wretched impurity has my basement reeking,” Colleen says as soon as she steps off the bottom step. The god awful tray with the boiling hot water is in her hands.
She places the tray down on the table, then pours the boiling water into the bowl. This is a daily occurrence. Every morning, she comes down those steps with the scalding water, complaining about my impure scent.
“I don’t understand how anyone could stand to be around you.”
“If it’s that bad, then let me and my son go.”
The back of her hand flies across my face. The pain is immediate, but I’ve been struck by her so many times now, I’m kind of used to it.
“It’s obvious I didn’t teach the boy well. He should’ve corrected your mouth long ago. I will not have you sassing me in my own house.”
I take a deep breath. I’ve never had to fight so hard against cursing someone out. I want to tell this psycho ass bitch she’s the one that has me trapped in this fucking house.
Colleen walks over to the shelf to grab the bleach. She pours half the bottle into the boiling water. When she’s done, she places the rag in the bowl.