Page 152 of Beast: Part Two
I shake my head. “Listen to me, that woman was not your grandma.” Technically, she was, but I didn’t feel the need to explain that.
Gabe’s brows furrow. “She’s not? Is she bad?”
Before I could respond, my hair is nearly ripped out of my head, and I’m dragged away from Gabe. I grab at the hand clutched in my hair.
“You filthy whore,” Colleen yells as she continues to pull me across her floor by my hair.
“Let go of my mommy,” Gabe yells.
“It’s okay, Gabe,” I shout, trying to calm him down. “Go sit down.” The last thing I wanted to do was get him worked up and he somehow angers her.
Colleen loosens her grip on my hair. I tug away from her and try to crawl. She quickly grabs me back and flips me over before punching me in the face. My mouth fills with blood.
She kneels on my chest and wraps both hands around my neck. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men.” Her voice is void of any emotion and her eyes take on a distant look.
I dig my nails into her wrist, breaking the skin.
She blinks as if she’s waking up from a trance. A smile lifts her cheeks.
“I must not harm the baby,” she whispers, climbing up from my chest.
I gasp for air, my lungs burning. She opens the basement door. I had no idea she’d pulled me that far away from Gabe. I fight to get away from her. She yanks me back down and places her boot on my chest.
“The moment that new bastard is out of your belly, I’m going to put a bullet in your head,” she says with a cheerful smile.
“Leave my mama alone!”
Colleen and I both look over to Gabe. He’s standing in the hallway, a small gun in his hands as he aims it at Colleen.
“Gabriel,” I squeal. “Baby, put the gun down.”
He holds the weapon up, his little arms shaking.
“My sweet boy,” Colleen coos in that tone I’ve only heard her use with Gabe. “Put the gun down. God is watching you.”
“You hurt my mama,” Gabe says without lowering the gun.
Colleen looks back at me, before turning to Gabe. “She misbehaved. And remember what I told you about God? He talks to me and tells me when I need to discipline those that are not good. I’m only doing the Lord’s work.”
Colleen takes a step toward Gabriel. “Now, put the gun down, sweet boy.”
“Gabe,” I call out. “Put the gun down.”
He glances down at me before looking back at Colleen.
“No,” he says, breathing hard.
Colleen takes another step toward him. “You’re not listening. The lord said that children should honor and listen to their parents. You are being very naughty right now.”
“Don’t you touch him,” I shout at Colleen as I slowly get to my hands and knees.
“Shut up, whore,” she spits out at me before turning back to Gabe. “Listen to your grandma, sweet boy.”
“No,” Gabe says. “I’d rather listen to my papa.” The gun goes off and I scream.
My entire world seems to come to a screeching halt. Did Colleen have her gun on her? Did the crazy bitch kill my son?
Right before my eyes, Colleen’s body falls to the ground, hitting the floor with a thud. A bullet wound in the center of her forehead. It was a perfect shot.