Page 21 of Beast: Part Two
He stands taking the first aid kit back to the kitchen sink. I sit with his words. If only it was that simple. The best thing I can do for everyone in this house is leave.
“Coward,”the voice whispers.
Approaching footsteps has my head lifting toward the open doorway of the kitchen.
“Is every room in this house this bright?”
Her voice has my heart racing and my cock twitching in my workout shorts. The way this woman has complete control over me should be studied. Even when I know I don’t deserve her. It’s been so long since I’ve heard her speak. I shut my eyes to revel in the sound of it.
“Yes they are,” Maksim’s voice has my eyes popping open. “You will get used to it.”
I stand from my seat when I spot Maksim walk into the kitchen carrying Summer in his arms. She’s wearing a long T-shirt and tiny shorts. She hasn’t noticed me yet, but I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her. The way her legs dangle over his arms. The way her good arm wraps around his neck as her injured arm rests against her chest.
My nostrils flare as I watch them.
“He wants to fuck her. You should skin him alive,”the demon growls.
I take a step in their direction, ready to do as the demon says.
“Beast,” Priest barks my name.
I turn to glare at him. His eyes narrow as he slowly shakes his head.
“Hey brother,” Maksim says getting my attention. Summer has yet to look at me. In fact, she is looking everywhere but at me.
“Summer was getting a little stir crazy and wanted to come out of the room,” Maksim explains. “She tried to walk, but after standing she got a little lightheaded, so I carried her in here.”
I don’t miss the fact that he’s trying to explain why he has his hands on her. I’m grateful that he was looking out for her, but I still didn’t like to see her in his arms.
Summer pats Maksim’s shoulder. “Thanks, Sim. You can put me down now. I think I can take it from here.”
“She’s given him a nickname,”the demon points out.“She’s fucking him.”
Taking a deep breath, I ignore the demon’s words in my head.
Maksim lowers her legs to the ground before letting her go. She walks over to Priest, holding her hand out.
“Hi, I’m Summer. I’m assuming you’re papa Priest?”
Priest grins before shaking her hand. “That would be me.”
“It’s good to finally meet you. Gabe talks about you a lot.”
It hurts to see her ignoring me the way that she is. I want her to look at me. I need her to see me.
“He’s a good kid,” Priest says letting her hand go. “I would’ve come in to meet you sooner but I was giving you your….space.”
Everyone in the house knew I had broken up with Summer. I guess they all felt her sadness and were giving her a wide berth. Although, the women of the house have been in to introduce themselves and see her multiple times. My brothers have all been reluctant except for Maksim.
The kitchen grows silent.
“How are you?” I ask.
Her body goes ridged at the sound of my voice. I watch as the smile falls from her face.
She turns to me. Although there are no tears on her face, her eyes are still red and puffy.
“I’m good, Beast,” she replies coldly. “So, Sim, how about—”