Page 25 of Beast: Part Two
“Move slower,” his deep voice says.
I scoff. “Now I’m supposed to believe you care about my pain?”
He flinches at my words, his light eyes staring at me.
“I’m sorry—”
“Don’t,” I cut off his apology. “I’m only allowing you to sleep in here because I know it comforts you and unfortunately your presence still calms me. But I don’t want to talk. And I definitely don’t want to hear your meaningless apology.”
Even though what Trina said made perfect sense and I know he’s torturing himself, I didn’t want to hear his apology. He chose to run when he promised he wouldn’t. No, he didn’t leave like he did the night we made Gabe, but he is still running.
Turning off the lamp, I shroud the room in darkness. The only sound besides the whirring of the ceiling fan is the soft snoring of my baby boy.
“You know you can’t leave, right?” he says, letting me know he was somewhere listening to my conversation with Trina. The way he says it, it was almost like a threat. It wasn’t just a reminder, but a warning that what Trina said was true. No matter where I went, he’d find me and drag me back.
Sighing, I reply into the dark. “I know.”
He doesn’t say anything else.
I try to quiet my thoughts. This was the hard part of the day. It’s why I started taking those pills. The last three months play back in my head. The time I spent with him, the way he made me feel so seen and desired, the way he knew me better than most people in my life. The way he held me at night when we would lay in the bed together. The way he made love to me like our souls were connecting or he was afraid he’d never get the chance to do it again. Even the way he looked at me when he asked me to have another baby for him. All of it plays back in my head like one of those sad romance movies no one watches more than once.
My heart again feels like it’s breaking. The tears come anew. I know what Trina said, but his refusal to be with me still feels as if I’m the issue. As if I’m the one not worthy.
As silent as I try to be, my sniffles fill the room. He never says a word. Eventually, I fell asleep, my face soaked in tears.
chapter Seven
Royal Crown
The last three nights, Summer has allowed me to sleep in her room. And although she hasn’t cried since that first night, I can still feel her sadness. It feels as if my skin is being peeled back inch by inch. But it is what I deserve.
Gabe’s giggles have me tuning back in. He and Emory are in the backyard chasing bubbles from Emory’s new bubble machine along with a small dog and four German Shepherds.
Although we are all locked in this house, it has been harder for the kids. Especially Gabe. He doesn’t understand why we can’t leave. So, everyone has tried to accommodate him and Emory. We’ve purchased balls, board games, movies, toys, anything we can think of to keep them happy. Even Summer, who still needs her rest, spent all day yesterday watching Disney movies with them.
“Are you guys ready for some lunch?” I ask.
They both stop in the middle of the yard and run up to me.
“Hulk, can we have chicken nuggets?”
“We have to see what Emory’s mom is cooking.”
Emory starts moving her hands. “My mom is making cookies just for you.” she signs to Gabe.
I relay her message to him.
“Yay, come on doggies,” he cheers and rushes into the house. Emory and all five dogs follow close behind him.
I step into the home and make my way into the kitchen. All the women are here. I haven’t really spoken to any of them. Other than Albany, I don’t actually know them. I know who belongs to who, but I haven’t talked to them.
Albany’s twin with the red hair seems the most skittish around me. I know she is Hawk’s wife. The woman with the soft curves belongs to Seth and Lucien. Only thing I know about her, is that my son adores her and she’s Emory’s mom. The girl with the blue dyed tips in her hair is Many’s girlfriend. She talks a lot and blurts out random facts. When we were first introduced, she told me every famous person she knew with the first name Gabriel. The older woman is Ms. Reese, who I found out is Albany and Hawk’s wife’s mother that was supposed to be dead.
The most important woman in the room draws my gaze. Summer is sitting at the island. Her long braids with the curly pieces hang down her back. She’s in another oversized shirt that clearly doesn’t belong to her. For the first time, it stands out to me that the shirt isn’t hers.
“Whose shirt are you wearing?” The kitchen gets quiet when I ask my question. All eyes turn to me except hers. She continues to look down at her phone.