Page 4 of Beast: Part Two
“Priest, what are you doing?” Lucien asks nervously.
“We don’t think that’s a good idea, father Priest,” Many says in his deep voice.
I ignore their pleas. I know what I’m doing. At least I hope I do. I’ve never seen Beast this far gone before. I have seen him inthe deepest part of his haze, but to be this blind and cold that he can’t determine us from friend or foe is new.
“What do you say, son? Are you ready for little Gabriel to see you?” I press forward trying to pull Beast out of his haze.
He blinks, taking a step back. He then tilts his head in that way he’s been doing since we walked in, as if he’s listening.
“It’s a trick. Slit his throat,” he says in that unfamiliar deep voice.
I don’t let it deter me, I take a few more steps closer, placing myself within his reach. Beast’s eyes narrow at me. For the first time since I walked in, I get a glimpse of my son. He’s in there buried deep.
“Hey, little Gabriel,” I call out. “What’s your favorite food?”
I knew the only way to get Beast out of that dark place was to lure him back to us. When he was a kid, I used to sit and talk to him for hours when he was caught up in the haze. At times, I’d call one of his brothers in to talk. He would eventually fight off the red haze and come back to us. But the last few months he’s been showing us he had found his peace with the girl and his son. So, if I wanted my son back, I needed his son to talk to him.
“I like chicken nuggets,” little Gabriel says softly.
Beast shakes his head as if he’s trying to lodge something out of it.
“I like chicken nuggets too,” I say without taking my eyes off Beast. “Who has your favorite nuggets?”
“Chick-fil-A. Hulk likes nuggets too. But he loves pancakes.”
The kid chuckles, and I laugh too.
“Mr. Priest,” little Gabriel whispers my name as if he’s about to tell me a secret.
“Yeah, Kid?”
“Can I come out now? I want to see my mommy. Tell Hulk I promise I’ll be brave like I was with the bee. I’ll use my words, and I won’t cry. Can I come out?”
Jeez this kid is breaking my heart. Beast puts his hands up to his head as he pounds his fists against his skull.
“You have to fight it, son. Whatever the fuck is going on in your head right now, you can fight that shit. Your son needs you. Your brothers need you, and Summer needs you.”
The moment I say her name, he drops his hands down to his side. His eyes water, and as the first tear falls, he drops to his knees. I go down with him trying to catch him.
“It’s okay. I got you,” I say, rocking him back and forth in my arms.
“I can’t lose her, Priest. I can’t,” Beast pleads in his own voice.
Fuck, I’m just glad to have him back. Without letting Beast go, I hand the phone to Lucien.
“Go find the kid,” I explain.
He takes the phone and immediately starts talking. “Hey, nephew. This is your uncle Lucien. I’m coming for you.” He takes off out of the room.
“I’ll go find Summer,” Fem says walking past us. Zel goes with her.
Hawk and Many surround me and Beast.
“We got you, brother. I promise,” Hawk says, his voice cracking a little. He places a hand on Beast’s shoulder.
“Priest,” Fem shouts, causing my heart to pick up speed. Please don’t let her tell me any bad news. “We have a heartbeat. But we need a doc, now.”