Page 49 of Beast: Part Two
The dream world tries to pull me under. I clamber from its fingertips, resurfacing once again. Low humming has me turning my head to the sound.
“How is he today?” This voice belongs to a man.
The humming stops. “The same,” the angel is back.
A deep sigh fills the room. “It’s been twenty-four hours. You need to get some fresh air and eat something.”
“I’m not hungry, Sim.”
“Please, little sister.”
“I said I’m not hungry.” Someone has angered my angel. I fight to gain control of my body. I want to get up and rip the culprit’s head off. But nothing moves on me.
Suddenly the pain comes rushing back. My moment of clarity is gone. This time, the fire in my body seems to rush to my head making it feel as if it would explode. I yell out. Trying to fight the feeling of my brain melting. Without my consent my body thrashes from side to side.
“Oh my goodness, Gabriel,” the angel shouts.
“Fuck,” the male voice says. “Priest.” It shouts.
Suddenly hands are covering me trying to hold me down. In the distance I can hear her sobs. My angel is crying. It is the last thing I hear before the nightmares suck me back under.
I’m not sure how much time has passed. The dream world has set me free again. I am no longer back in the house with my mother. This time when I resurface, everything is much clearer. The softness of the sheets underneath me tickles my skin. The scents of lavender, vanilla, and the distant scent of stale food assails me. Even the coolness of the room stands out. I’ve never been as aware of my surroundings as I am right now.
There is silence in the room. I flex my foot and for the first time it actually moves.
A loud bang echoes. It sounds like a door slamming against a wall. Fast, heavy footsteps approach.
“Alright, that’s it,” Priest shouts. “It’s been three days. You haven’t left this room, nor have you eaten any of the food we’ve brought you. Get your ass up, get some fresh air, and eat.”
“I’m not leaving him,” Summer argues. “His fever just broke two hours ago. It could come back.”
“Summer, if you don’t get your ass out that chair and go eat, I’ll drag you out and force feed you. I know you’re worried aboutmy son. But when he wakes up and realize we let you starve to death I’m going to have to fucking kill him.”
“But,” she starts.
However, I cut her off. “He’s right.” My voice sounds raw, and my throat burns like hell.
“Gabriel,” Summer screams before something soft and solid hits my chest.
I wrap my arms around her, happy to be able to do it. Finally opening my eyes, I spot Priest standing over my head. His hair is disheveled and his white button up shirt is wrinkled all to hell. He looks as if he hasn’t slept in several days.
His eyes are red as he stares back at me. Summer lifts from my chest, tears falling down her face.
“Why aren’t you eating?” I ask.
“We thought you were going to die,” she cries.
Slowly, and with a lot of effort, I lift my hand and wipe her tears. There is so much I want to say to her. Like, never in a million years will I let anyone take me off the face of this earth without making sure her and Gabe are taken care of. I know that at some point I’ll have to go after Corbyn and it might just be the last thing I do, but I will make sure that Summer and Gabe will never have to be concerned about their future or what will happen to them.
But I don’t say any of that because I’m trying to do the right thing by her. Even if it’s the last thing I want to do.
“You need to eat, angel.”
“I just sat here for three days thinking you would die. I don’t want to eat.”
Cupping her face in my hands I stare into her brown eyes.
“Do it for me. I need you to eat something.”