Page 59 of Beast: Part Two
Shouting in the hallway has me heading in that direction.
Brooklyn is leaning against the wall as Many pulls Kraken, Ari’s German Shepherd, off her.
“He did not mean it,” Many says in his British accent getting the dog to sit. “He is very protective of pregnant women.”
“I don’t give a shit if he’s part of Paw Patrol, keep the dog out of the way.”
“Walker, it’s fine,” Brooklyn says. “He just caught me off guard.”
“No,” Hawk barks at Brooklyn. “I’m sick and tired of this. You’re already high risk, we’re barely able to take you out the house to get checked, and now you have a 90-pound dog nearly knock you over. Many and Ari need to do something about this.”
“Hawk!” I shout. He swings his head in my direction. “I understand your frustrations but taking it out on Many and Kraken is not called for.”
Hawk tosses his hands up in the air. “So my concerns don’t matter to anyone?”
“I’m not saying that. I’m saying shouting at your brother because you’re frustrated isn’t the answer.”
“Honestly, I think we’re all just a little tired, Priest,” Zel says behind me. I had no idea when he walked into the hallway. Maksim is standing behind him.
Shutting my eyes, I take a quick breath. Look, don’t get me wrong, being locked in this house, despite how large it is, for thislong is starting to drain me as well. And truthfully, there isn’t enough fucking in the world to distract from the fact that these walls are closing in on us. But we have to remember why we are here.
“What do you suggest, Zel?” Fem asks, coming down the stairs. She’s still holding Charlie in her arms. “Should we say forget it and just go our own way and hope that no one is killed?”
Zel runs his fingers through the front of his hair. It’s starting to grow again.
“Of course not. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just pointing out this isn’t working.”
“Well, I am all for suggestions. Maybe you know something we don’t?” Fem asks.
“No one is leaving,” I say, making that clear.
“Unless you’re Beast. In that case you can come and go whenever you want,” Hawk says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Maksim asks folding his arms over his chest. “My brother is having some mental issues. He’s leaving to keep the peace.”
Zel scoffs. “You’ve known him for two months. Don’t act as if you’re an expert on Beast. He’s throwing a tantrum.”
“Exactly,” Hawk adds. “He knows that if he acts out, Priest will let him leave.”
“That isn’t true. Gabriel is battling something right now,” Summer says in his defense. “He isn’t just abandoning you.”
Hawk scoffs. “Says the ex-girlfriend he’s left behind.”
“Whoa. Watch it,” Maksim growls dropping his arms down from his chest.
“Walker, that was uncalled for.” Brooklyn fusses.
Summer turns and rushes in the other direction toward her bedroom. The door slams shut moments later.
“I’m going to go talk to her,” Brooklyn follows Summer into the bedroom.
Hawk looks away. “I didn’t mean that,” he says.
“Frustration and annoyance, is one thing. But attacking each other is completely off limits,” I say. “We are all locked in this house together, equally tired and ready to get this shit over with. It doesn’t give us the right to be assholes.” I turn my attention to Hawk. “Kid, I know your anger stems from the fact you did not see the dog before it jumped up on Brooklyn. I get it, but this isn’t who we are.”
Before anyone could say anything else, Seth and Malia walk down the stairs laughing. I assume Seth feels the vibe in the room. He pauses and scans over everyone.
“What did we miss?” he asks.