Page 62 of Beast: Part Two
“Where’ve you been?” I ask to change the subject.
“Around. Trying to clear my head.”
“Is it cleared?” I hold my breath as I wait for his answer.
Those sea-foam green eyes stare back at me. They rake over my body with precision. If I didn’t know any better, I would think I saw desire staring back at me as he takes in my T-shirt and cotton shorts. But I think the lack of sex is starting to cloud my brain. Being in a house where you can hear everyone else fucking, yet you haven’t had any in weeks, is catching up with me.
“It’s clear enough,” he says in response to my earlier question.
I’d gotten so sidetracked thinking about his dick and all the ways it makes me ache so good when he’s inside of me, I almost forgot what I asked him.
“Well, that’s good. I’m glad,” I say lamely. Clearing my voice, I speak again. “And just so you know, there is absolutely nothing going on with me and Sim. He is truly like a brother to me. And he would never do anything to cross a line with you.”
He nods saying nothing further.
I feel as if there is an enormous mountain between us. Even though Gabriel was never the talkative type, we had a chemistry when we were together. Conversation, although mostly led byme, was always free flowing. Now, I feel as if I don’t know what to say to him.
Silence fills the kitchen. I can’t find anything else to say that would make it less awkward.
“I’m going to go crash in one of the extra rooms in the basement,” he finally says breaking into the quietness.
“Yeah. Of course. Sleep is important. It’s right up there with drinking your water and eating vegetables,” I say. “Eight hours a night is ideal. More if you’re younger.” I physically have to tighten my lips to keep from rambling any further.
He stares at me without speaking. There is no emotion or expression on his face. It’s as if I’m a stranger to him and not someone that he shares a child with. Or Someone that he once told he loved.
I look into his eyes hoping to find something that lets me know the man I love is still there. The man that once held me so close to his body and whispered how much he loved me. I have no problem fighting for Gabriel as long as I know there is something there for me to fight for. However, staring in his green eyes, I see nothing. Hell, at this point I would even take that dark vacant look he gets when his mother or whoever takes over him. But there is nothing.
Turning away and glancing at the wall, I fight back the burning sensation in my throat that signals tears are approaching.
“Goodnight,” I say barely over a whisper.
“Night.” He walks away. The sound of his boots thumping across the tile floor in the kitchen is the only sound around us.
I shut my eyes as the first tear falls. Rubbing a hand on my cheek I wipe it away.
“Come lay with me.”
I spin around to find him right behind me. His gaze staring down into my face. I had no idea he had moved around the island to me.
“I need to sleep. And I can only do it if you’re near me.”
I look down at the hand he has held out to me. Part of me is excited. I feel as if this is the sign I needed. But there is another part of me that warns not to read too much into it.
Placing my hand in his, I allow him to lead me out of the kitchen, my tea forgotten on the counter. He leads me down the basement stairs and into a room with a king size bed, two nightstands, and a chest of drawers. There is no other furniture in the room.
Gabriel pulls the covers back and allows me to get in first. I climb on and slide to the other side. He gets in behind me, switches off the lamp, and then pulls me into his chest. My back tucked up against him.
He doesn’t speak at all. Within minutes he is breathing steadily, letting me know he’s fast asleep. I lay there for a while, listening to his soft snores. By the time I finally fall asleep, the sun is starting to touch the sky.
chapter sixteen
“I ordered the food. I think everyone will be happy with the options.” Summer says to Ms. Reese as she diligently goes over her checklist for the date night she’s planning.
She’s been bubbling ever since she walked in the kitchen this morning announcing to everyone her plans for a date night she’s hosting in two weeks. She wanted everyone to come. All the females seemed happy for the news. The guys didn’t put up much of a fuss, but I can tell they weren’t all that elated.