Page 67 of Beast: Part Two
He shuts his eyes and the paper around the flowers crinkle underneath his death grip.
“Your dress,” he groans.
“I knew it,” Zel says behind me. “We're all about to die.”
A few chuckles sound off from behind me.
Gabriel opens his eyes, and his shoulders drop a little. “You look beautiful.” Although the words leave his mouth, his face looks as if he’s in pain.
“Thank you,” I say. “And thanks for the flowers.” I hold out my hand to take the flowers from him. He places them in my palm. I place my plate down on the table behind me.
“I’m going to go put these in water. You guys can finish fixing your food.”
I walk into the house and into the kitchen. A few days ago, I saw a glass vase in the cabinet. I pull it down and fill it up before unwrapping the flowers and putting them in the water.
When I turn around, I’m startled to find Gabriel behind me. His jacket is off and in his hands. My mouth waters at the way that henley fits snugly over his muscles. I’m so busy staring that I don’t realize he’s holding out his jacket to me.
“What’s this for?” I ask.
However, he doesn’t reply. He just holds it out toward me. The strain on his face and the pleading in his eyes tells me that he’s battling something.
Finally, he says. “Please.”
Zel’s words comeback to me. “We’re going to die.”It’s obvious Gabriel is battling the voices in his head. I didn’t want to do anything to trigger him. Without question, I take his jacket and slip it on.
“Thank you,” he says.
We head back out to the others. As soon as I slip out the door everyone turns and stares. Seth groans and Zel laughs.
“Pay up,” he tells Seth.
Seth pulls out a twenty from his pocket and hands it to Zel. Gabriel and I quickly fix plates and join the others at the table.
The night is going smoothly. We’ve eaten, laughed, and danced. Now, we were all sitting around the fire pit. The lights in the trees over our head setting the mood.
Fem is sitting in Priest’s lap, his hand resting on her thigh. Brooklyn is sitting on one end of the double couch with her feet in Hawk’s lap. Ari is sitting on the arm of Many’s chair. Zel and Maksim are sharing the other couch. Malia and Seth are sitting in two chairs beside each other. Gabriel is sitting in another chair across from where I’m standing.
“Alright,” I announce. “Priest this question is for you and Fem. What’s your significant other’s favorite color?”
“Not fair,” Zel says. “You gave them an easy one?” For the game section of the night, he and Maksim teamed up.
“She asked you if Maksim is left or right-handed. It doesn’t get any easier than that,” Priest tells him before turning back to me. “Her favorite color is blue. But more specifically turquoise.”
“Aww baby,” Fem says leaning down pressing a kiss on his lips.
“Now what’s his favorite color?” Brooklyn asks. “I’m guessing it’s that retro green color all the appliances were colored in the 70’s.”
Using the index cards my questions were written on I cover my laugh.
“Shouldn’t you be flying off into the night to kidnap children from their beds?” Priest asks Brooklyn.
She rolls her eyes at him and gives him the middle finger.
“His favorite color is black,” Fem says before her sister can reply. “And gray.”
I glance over at Gabriel. I wonder if that’s why his favorite color is black as well. When I look at him, he’s already watching me. His gorgeous eyes staring deeply into mine. It takes everything for me to look away from him.
“Okay, Seth and Malia. What’s your partner’s favorite movie to watch?”