Page 69 of Beast: Part Two
“Oh, he was dead before that car crashed,” Priest shrugs.
I don’t even want to know how he knows that.
“Summer feels like she isn’t contributing to the household. Which is why she went out of her way to make this night successful. She feels like she’s useless and in the way.”
Part of me is shocked that he knew this, but I should always suspect that Gabriel is somewhere around. Of course he overheard my conversation with Trina that night. When he mentioned me not being able to leave, it should have dawned on me he heard all of the conversation no matter how low I said it.
Now, I’m standing in front of everyone feeling naked and bare to them. It’s like they can see every insecurity I have. I look away from their faces.
“Well,” Brooklyn says getting my attention. “Summer needs to know that she is part of this family and even if she does nothing but take up space, she will never be useless to us. We are a group of misfits. She doesn’t have to do anything other than be herself to belong.”
“I second that,” Malia adds.
“As do I,” Priest says. One by one the others agree with Brooklyn.
I fight back the tears of being so completely vulnerable and then having them all tell me I was part of the group. When I look at Gabriel, he’s watching me. He studies my face and then subtly winks at me.
He didn’t reveal what he did to be mean or to make me look crazy. He knew my fears and wanted me to understand that I was accepted. It was the sweetest thing he could have done.
“Alright, my turn,” Zel announces. “Maksim sings love songs in the shower.”
“You slimy worm,” Maksim shouts.
I toss my head back and laugh as Maksim gets up and chases Zel around our chairs. Eventually, we get back to the game. We talk and laugh until about midnight.
I shouldn’t be here. I should go to my room and put space between us. However, from the moment I saw Summer in that dress, I’ve wanted to be exactly where I am right now. In her room away from everyone.
I watched her for weeks stress over making tonight the best night for everyone. At first, I thought it was only about her plans to get my attention, as if she’s ever lost it. But after paying closer attention to her tonight, I realize how much Summer was trying to be the perfect hostess. I realized it wasn’t just me she was trying to appease.
I know what I said in front of everyone seemed rude, but I needed her to see that my brothers, Priest, and their women thought of her as family. She thought she added nothing to this household. I know that stems from her insecurities about her past of being a drug addict. But we all had jaded pasts. She didn’t have to walk on eggshells around us to make herself fit in.
The shower water cuts off and my cock hardens further. It took all my strength to keep me from walking in that bathroom and pinning her against the shower wall.
The bathroom door opens and Summer steps out with a towel wrapped around her body. She startles when she sees me.
“Gabriel, what are you doing here?” she asks.
My breathing picks up. I shut my eyes as I imagine the beautiful deep tawny skin that stretches over her body. The memory of how her hot, wet center squeezes my cock so snugglyit feels as if it was made for me. I can almost taste her sweet essence on my tongue.
“Tell me to leave,” I croak out as I imagine all the ways I want to fuck her.
Her head tilts to the side as she stares at me. A slow smile lifts her beautiful lips.
“Why would I tell you that?” She walks over to me stopping between my legs.
The smell of her body wash hits my senses along with the heat from her recent shower.
She doesn’t move, she just stands there, her legs wedged-between mine. Her chest right at my eye level.
“You should leave,”I tell myself.
“You should cut her open and lay her spleen on the fucking floor,”the demon encourages.
I shut my eyes to drown out the voice in my head. If there was no other proof that being in her room right now was a bad idea it’s hearing that voice. He’s a reminder that I’m not stable enough to be here. I thought it was bad when I realized she was wearing that dress around my brothers. In no way did I think my brothers were looking at Summer, but the voice in my head was relentless.
“Look at me, Gabriel,” her soft voice pleads.