Page 90 of Beast: Part Two
“Alright, Fem,” Priest says. “Time to clear the room.”
“You got it, baby,” She purrs.
“Won’t we have to worry about the fire department coming?” Maksim leans over and asks me.
“No. Lucien cut the connection between the sprinklers and the fire alarm.”
As soon as the sentence is out my mouth, we hear the shrill of screams coming out of the building.
“That’s our cue. Let’s go,” Seth says.
We all cross the street and enter the building before splitting up. The sprinkler system makes it slightly hard to see. We fight through all the people in their fancy suits and gowns rushing out of the building. Maksim is right on my heels.
“Corbyn’s on the move,” Zel says in the earpiece.
“Keep him in here,” I growl out.
I spot the first of Corbyn’s bodyguards out in the hallway. Our gazes lock at the exact same time. He reaches for his gun, but I’m faster. I shoot him in the neck, and he goes down. Chaos ensues after that. Gunfire goes off everywhere.
I rush into the actual ballroom. Quickly scanning the room, I take note of all the exits. Hawk and Many are on the farthest side of the room making sure no one makes it out the back entrance. Seth is behind a table and firing off rounds. I lost track of Fem and Priest. But if I know him, he’s with her.
“On your left, brother,” Maksim yells as he fires at someone in front of us.
I turn and fire at the guard coming up on my left. He goes down quickly. Maksim and I move further into the room. Our guns aim in all directions scoping out the scene.
One of Corbyn’s guards runs up on me from my side. I spin in time to dodge the bullet whizzing by my head. Maksim, fires and kills the man that attacked me. I turn just in time to shoot at the guard behind Maksim. We quickly move through the room gunning down guards that cross our path. When we run out of bullets in one gun, we toss it and grab for another.
I aim at the man in front of me and fire, but the gun clicks. I’m now out of guns. Tossing the gun to the ground, I reach for the knife at my back. Before I can pull it out, a harpoon shoots through the guard’s body, impaling him. He falls to his knees. Across the room, Many waves at me before going back to shooting.
I duck my chin at him, even though he can’t see me.
“Here you go,” Fem says as she rushes pass, tossing me another gun.
She fires a shot at one of the guards, rolls across the floor at the feet of another one and comes up behind him, putting a bullet to the back of his head.
“That is a very talented woman,” Maksim says behind me.
“You got no fucking idea,” Priest says through the earpiece in our ears.
Maksim and I get back to work clearing everyone on our side of the room. Guns are not my favorite weapon, but Priest made sure we were all good with them.
“Corbyn is on the run. He’s heading to the parking garage,” Zel warns. “I’m going to lose sight of him if he gets that far.
“Beast come with me,” Priest yells. “The rest of you finish up here and clear us some space.”
“You got it,” Seth adds.
“Be careful, brother,” Maksim warns me.
I take off back out the way I came in. Maksim fires shots over my head clearing my way.
I run into another guard, but easily dispose of him. As soon as I step back out to the foyer of the building, I meet Priest.
“Let’s go,” he says. We both take off in the direction of the underground parking garage. We take the stairs two at a time.
As soon as we come out of the doors and enter the garage, a bullet whizzes past our heads. Corbyn is in front of us with his weapon drawn. He turns and takes off running. We follow.
“We see Corbyn. We’re on his tail,” Priest says.