Page 38 of Wasted On You
Her mother frowned. “I saw it online, is all. Why would they say something like that if it wasn’t true?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because most of the stuff printed online is conjecture to get people like you to click on their links?”
“It’s true.” Kip got to his feet, and shocked, Ivy watched him in silence. He’d never said a word. “I should start packing.” He flashed a smile and took one step toward the hall leading to the bedroom.
“You’re leaving?” Diedre frowned. “But you just got back.”
“I’m flying to Japan tomorrow.”
Kip dropped a kiss on Ivy’s forehead and winked before he turned to her mother. “I’ve got a series of commercials to film. But don’t you worry one bit. I’ll be back in time to make this woman mine.”
“I’ll be counting the days,” Ivy replied, the sugar coating her words so thick she was surprised she didn’t choke.
“You’re not going with him?” Diedre got to her feet now; eyes narrowed speculatively as she looked from Kip to Ivy and back again.
“No, mother. I’m not. Why would I want to fly to Japan and sit around twiddling my thumbs while Kip is busy filming? The flight alone is enough to scare most people. It’s like, twenty hours or something ridiculous.”
Diedre looked dumbfounded. “What’s more important than spending time with your fiancé?”
“Well,” Ivy cleared her throat. “I have the uh, plans to work on. The wedding ones. And um,” her mind whirled in a thousand directions, looking for the right excuses. “The dress.” Triumphant, she gave a small shrug. “I need to have another fitting.”
“You’ve already had one?” Her mother frowned. “Bitty Martin didn’t say a word, and I just saw her at pickleball.”
“I also have to buy shoes and a purse and, uh…”
“You have your date with the vet tomorrow morning.” Kip grinned, knowing he was adding fuel to the fire.
The look on Diedre Wilkens’s face was enough to sour fresh milk, and God help her, Ivy loved every second of it. Finally, some good to come out of the stupid auction.
“I guess there’s nothing else then.” Mouth pursed, Diedre gave Ivy a withering look. “I’ll take my coat.”
Ivy happily slid from her stool and grabbed her mother’s coat. She handed it over and waited as the woman shrugged into it. Diedre buttoned up and slipped into her boots. She paused her hand on the doorknob.
“Have you heard from your father?”
And just like that, the happy bubble inside Ivy popped. Daniel Wilkens was another hurt that wouldn’t go away. “No,” she admitted, wishing the pain would disappear. It never did. He’d left a long time ago and was currently living in California, enjoying a life that included a new wife and a kid she’d met once, five years earlier. He’d been her favorite person at one time until he decided his happiness didn’t include Ivy.
A heartbeat passed. “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”
Her mother left like the storm she was, and when the door was shut behind her, Ivy let out a long breath.
“I feel like I just went ten rounds with Iron Mike.” She turned to Kip, who stood a few feet away. “I’m sorry for that. She’s just…she’s so hard.”
“She’s been disappointed in life, and she’s not wearing it well.”
“I don’t want to end up like her,” she whispered. “Alone and bitter, judging everyone who is happy. Trying to find fault in their happiness.”
“You won’t.” Kip kissed the top of her head. “Your happiness is right in front of you.”
She opened her mouth, a hot denial on her lips, but Kip wouldn’t let her get anything out.
“You’re the kind of woman who only gives her heart away once. You might find someone else, but it will never be like this. Like what you feel for this guy. You need to make the man who holds your heart accountable, or at least give him the chance to make things right.”
“It’s not that easy.”
Kip took a step back. “But it is.” He held her gaze for a moment. “As long as you let it be.”