Page 40 of Wasted On You
“Morning,” Lafferty said.
Mike Paul gave a small nod and stepped inside. The two men were of similar build, though he had at least an inch on Lafferty. That might not mean much to most, and at six foot five, it wasn’t something Mike Paul normally thought much of, but right now, he would take any kind of win over the man who’d put a ring on Ivy’s finger.
He noted the guy was dressed for travel, and there was a small bag next to the door.
“You headed back to the city?” Mike Paul gave a nod to the bag.
Interesting.He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “That’s a bit of a hike.”
“Twelve-hour flight.”
“You gone for long?” The question slipped from his mouth before he had a chance to think properly, and he swore silently. He didn’t want to come across as pathetic, even though he kinda was.
“Long enough.”
“You seem like a busy guy.”
A slow grin crept over the man’s face, and Mike Paul’s hands fisted. He squared his shoulders.
“Hey.” The soft voice came from behind Lafferty, who took a step back as Ivy came into view. Her hair was loose, just the way Mike Paul liked it, and her blue eyes, amplified from her glasses, sparkled. Her skin was fresh, her cheeks as rosy as her lips. Dressed in a plain white T-shirt, blue and white plaid button-down, and a pair of jeans that fit her curves the way God intended, she literally took his breath away.
Mike Paul cleared his throat and worked hard to appear sane. “Hey, yourself,” he managed to say without sounding like a buffoon.
“Cold out there?” she asked, moving closer.
“The wind’s not too bad.”
“Oh, good.” An awkward silence fell, and he shuffled his feet.
“Okay, babe, you two have fun.” Kip turned around, and Mike Paul’s jaw clenched tightly when the man leaned down and kissed Ivy. He murmured something so low, Mike Paul couldn’t hear it, and then grabbed up his bag. “Take care of my girl,” he said lightly, then over his shoulder. “I’ll call you when I land, and I promise I’ll make it up to you when I get back.”
“I’m counting on it.” Her voice had some rasp like she hadn’t been up for long. Kip gave one last nod to Mike Paul and then left the two of them alone.
“We’re really doing this?”
“We are,” he replied lightly.
She sighed and shrugged. “Okay, well, I should, um, grab my coat.” She pointed to the hall that led to the bedrooms, and Mike Paul nodded. She wasn’t gone more than a minute, and she scooped up a bag from the counter on her return. “Lunch.”
“Right. Good call.”
Ivy stopped a few inches from him, a wary look on her face. “I’m not going to have to deliver anything, am I? Having babies is messy, and I don’t do well with all that bodily fluid stuff.”
Mike Paul grinned. “Not on the agenda.” Then he winked. “Though I might have to get your help with a castration.”
“I can handle a castration,” she said, pulling on her boots. She grabbed a white fluffy hat and pulled it over her head. “Or two, depending.”
“Yeah?” He opened the door. “Depending on what?”
“If you behave yourself.” She sailed past him. “I mean it, Mike Paul. No funny business today. This is only for charity.”
“Give me your word.” She yanked on the passenger door of his truck and paused. “I’m fulfilling an obligation. That’s all this is. Any ulterior motives need to disappear. Got it?”
There was no point in denying his reasons. “Then why did you agree to come along?” he replied.