Page 67 of Wasted On You
“We can’t forget the tequila. It makes the most asinine idea seem like a good one.” Kip pulled off his sweater, leaving him in a white T-shirt, and tossed it. “Has something changed with you and this guy? Has Mike Paul found a way to make you forgive him?”
And then, Ivy had finally admitted the one thing she’d been afraid to say out loud. “I don’t think he ever needed my forgiveness. I think I’m the one with issues. Trust is a big one. And that’s more to do with me and my family. My dad, in particular.” Just thinking of him made her feel sad.
Kip sat a bit straighter. “You’ve never told me about him. About what happened.”
“I can’t go there right now.”
Kip had gotten up off the sofa and grabbed her into a bear hug. He’d kissed the top of her head, and when he spoke, his voice was low and rough.
“We’re in a mess here with no one to blame but ourselves.”
She’d nodded but kept quiet.
“The engagement was dumb. I knew it the minute it came out of my mouth. But I liked the idea of Keely knowing I was with someone. I didn’t want her to think I was sitting home, moping over the fact that she’d been screwing my brother when I thought I was the only one she wanted.”
Ivy wasn’t surprised the mysterious Keely was behind Kip’s motivation for this charade.
“Duke and I have never been close, and not for my lack of trying.” Kip was quiet for a bit. “He’s three years older than me and when I was a kid, I worshipped him. He was good at everything. Amazing ball player. He played third and could switch hit like a dream. He was drafted by the Dodgers and played six games. But then he tore his rotator cuff, and after recovery, it wasn’t the same. He wasn’t the same. Duke was sent down to the miners and quit two months in.”
“I’m sorry.”
Kip shrugged. “I tried to be there for him, but my own career was taking off and he wasn’t happy about it. We grew distant and lost touch. And then Keely happened, and I pretended I didn’t care, but I guess I did.” He cracked a smile. “I conjured up a fiancé and look where it’s gotten us.”
“I wanted a buffer between myself and Mike Paul.” She looked up at him. “I mean, the whole stupid thing made sense.”
“Like I said. The tequila was a bad idea.” He exhaled slowly. “My grandfather is coming with them and it’s the only reason I’m not nixing their plans.”
At Ivy’s questioning look, he smiled. “My mom’s dad. He was a coal miner his whole life. Grew up in Kentucky and he’s the best man I know. He hasn’t been well. He’s got heart failure. But he’s making the trip to Montana because he wants to meet you. I know it’s a big ask. But can we keep things status quo until they leave? I haven’t always had a stellar past and I don’t want my grandfather worrying about me. I don’t want to disappoint him either. I don’t think he’ll understand this mess we’ve created. According to Mom, he doesn’t have a lot of time.” He didn’t try to hide the pain. “It’s probably why they’re all coming.”
“Of course, we’ll keep up appearances. Why stop it now?”
And for the rest of the week, they’d carried on as before. A fake engaged couple who were busy doing their own thing. Kip worked out. He took Zoom meetings with his agent, rented action movies and played around in the kitchen. While Ivy slept like crap, was a grump until at least noon, and did everything in her power to avoid her friends and family. Mostly the family.
Which was why, on this particular Saturday, as she stared across the kitchen at Kip, she felt a complete, irrational rage take hold. His family would arrive Sunday night, which gave her exactly thirty-six hours to grow the thickest skin imaginable. God, his family, and her mother together in one room. It was enough to give a person hives.
She began to itch at the thought. First her neck. Then, her arms. Then, behind her ears.
“Are you okay?” Kip asked.
“No.” She glanced up, scratching the back of her legs. “I’m not okay. I’m so far from Okay Mountain that I don’t know how to find my way back.”
“Let me know when the storm ends, Wilkens because I’ll still be here.”
“We had a moment, you know?” She was hopping on one foot while trying to scratch the bottom of the other. “And he was being a good guy and trying to do the right thing. And I was standing there like an idiot, and I didn’t say a word because since when does the truth make it all good? And now it’s been nearly a week, and I haven’t heard from him, and what if he’s decided that he was wrong?” She ran out of breath and took a moment. “What if he realizes that he doesn’t love me? Oh my god, I just said the L word, and he's never even said it. Maybe his L word islike.Maybe he onlylikesme.” She shook her head. “I’m going crazy, and I’m scared, and your family will be here soon, and we only just got the Christmas tree up, and I have no presents, or cards or walnuts or fruit cake, but you know what I do have? I have hives, and I?—”
“Go see him.”
Out of breath, Ivy could only stare across the room. “What?”
Kip shrugged. “Go see Mike Paul. Tell him the truth.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded. “This has gone on long enough, don’t you think? Go and see him and figure out your stuff.”
“But what about your family?” She bit her bottom lip, conflicted. “What about your brother and Keely?”
His face hardened. “I’m a big boy and it’s time I started acting like one. I’ll call and let them know about the change in our circumstances. I’ll tell them we broke up. That there’s no need to come to Montana.”