Page 71 of Wasted On You
She touched the spot just under his right eye, and he winced. “What happened?”
He sighed and pulled her into his arms. Then kissed the top of her head and let her warmth wash over him.
“Mike Paul?”
“You know that Jacob has been staying with me.”
“He’s Marcus’s son, right?”
He nodded and murmured, “Yes.”
“Did something happen with Jacob?”
“After the Christmas party, I went to their place to talk to his dad. I wanted to go alone, but Jacob insisted he come too. I didn’t want him to, but legally, I have no say. I mean, if the kid wants to see his dad, who am I to stop him?”
“I’m taking it things didn’t go well.”
“The Marcus was out of it. High on drugs and wasted on booze. The house was trashed, and there were people passed out on the floor. The sofa. You name it.” Mike Paul grimaced, remembering the scene. “You remember how things were with Manley Bridgestone, right?”
She nodded.
“Well, this was one hundred times worse. Maybe one thousand.”
“Oh, that poor kid.”
“We walked inside. I wanted to talk to his dad, man-to-man. To make sure he was in the right kind of place to look after his son. But as soon as he saw us, he went crazy. Came after Jacob with a look on his face I never want to see again. I got in front of the first punch he threw, but it was his last. I put him down like a dog and held him there until the cops came.”
He saw the concern on her face and pulled her as close as he could. “The guy was on probation. His ass was immediately hauled off to jail, and I don’t think he’s getting out any time soon.”
“Where’s Jacob?”
“He’s staying with me. After they cleared the place and left with Marcus, we grabbed some clothes, and I brought him back here.”
Ivy’s eyes widened, and she looked toward the bedroom door. “Oh my God. He’s here?” Her cheeks burned, and she sat up. “Why didn’t you tell me? Jesus, he’s going to think that I…that we… that…” Stumbling over her words, she punched him in the shoulder.
“Nice to see you’ve still got that insane right hook, Wilkens.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
She looked fierce and pissed and so damn adorable he couldn’t help but smile.
“He’s at a buddy’s place in town. I’m expecting him back tomorrow afternoon.”
Ivy sank back onto the bed. “Well, that’s a relief. I’m sure I sounded like a wounded animal.”
He leaned over and kissed her, then gathered her into his arms for more. “I think I’m ready.” His dick stirred at the thought, and with a wicked grin, he gently placed her in the middle of the bed.
“There’s no way it can be better than what we just did.” She was out of breath, her voice husky.
“I accept the challenge.”
He began his assault by kissing her ankles and massaging her feet and toes. Then he moved to the calves and nibbled at the back of her knees, all the while touching and caressing. She made those noises that drove him crazy, and slowly, he moved up to her thighs, which, by now, trembled. He teased and played with every inch of her except the treasure between her legs.
“I can’t take it,” she whispered, head thrashing from side to side as she raised her hips. She was aroused, and the evidence glistened on her skin. He smiled and continued up her stomach and abdomen, kissing, touching, biting. Then he nuzzled her breasts and used his tongue, hands, and mouth to bring her to the brink.
He was about to repeat the performance, but she swore and pushed him onto his back. “I’m done with the foreplay,” she ground out.
“That so?”