Page 75 of Wasted On You
“Chocolate thing? What the hell is the chocolate thing?”
“I have no idea, though she mentioned something about the Shriner club.”
“Big Bend doesn’t have a Shriner club.”
“Then your guess is as good as mine.”
“Who has a chocolate thing three days before Christmas? This isn’t Switzerland.” Her mind raced, trying to come up with something, but it was blank.
“Is that your fiancé?”
Ivy froze. A woman stood just behind Kip.
“Keely, this is Ivy.” Kip moved aside, mouth tight, shoulders hunched a bit.
The woman who stared down at Ivy was tall and slender, with long blonde hair and the kind of body that was either good genetics, or the kind that cost a fortune. She had big boobs, a small waist, rounded hips, and legs any dancer in Vegas would want. She wasn’t thin, and she wasn’t muscular. She was annoyingly perfect. Her eyes were brown, her skin flawless, and her lips were soft and pouty.
The sun had barely risen, yet her full face of makeup enhanced her features subtly. Like she had a glam squad hidden in the house. She was a classic beauty. Checked all the boxes. Yet there was something about her Ivy didn’t like. It was the eyes. They were calculating.
And that made Ivy nervous.
“Hey,” Ivy said, taking the last few steps up until she stood beside Kip. “Sorry I missed your arrival, but we didn’t expect you guys until tonight.”
“No worries,” Keely replied. Her eyes did the once over, moving from the top of her head to the bottom of her toes. She was sharp, this one, and Ivy tugged on her scarf, hoping it hid some of the love marks that had been visible earlier. She pasted a smile on her face and prayed it didn’t look as plastic as it felt.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you guys arrived.”
Kip cleared his throat and motioned her inside. “You ready for a coffee, babe?”
“Sure.” Ivy waited for the woman to disappear and then yanked on Kip’s arm. She whispered fiercely. “Can you smell it on me?”
“Smell what?”
“The sex.”
Kip’s eyes widened, and he tried not to smile but, with a chuckle, leaned forward and inhaled.
“No, Ivy, you don’t smell like sex.”
“Take off your clothes and let me have another sniff.”
“Shut up.”
Kip waited for her to walk past him, and she sailed into the house, not exactly sure what awaited her. She handed him her coat, then she took her time with her boots, hat, and gloves. She wanted to get Kip alone so that they could figure out a plan, but with his brother and ex-girlfriend/new sister-in-law making themselves comfortable in her kitchen, it would have to wait.
She thought longingly of Mike Paul’s bed, then with a sigh banished it from her mind. She cranked her neck, rolled her shoulders, and turned to face the music.
Keely sat on one of the stools, her long legs crossed as if she were posing for a calendar. She wore pale cream tights and a matching jacket that fit like a second skin. On her feet were a comfortable pair of Uggs. The man who stood in the middle of the kitchen was undeniably a Lafferty. He and Kip looked as if they were carved from the same stone, with the cutter using the same tools. The genetics were that strong. A bit older, his features were sharper, and there was some grey at his temples.
He was handsome, no denying that, but there was a coolness to his eyes, a lack of warmth, if you will, and Ivy spotted it right away.
“So, you’re the mysterious Ivy,” he said, taking a few steps forward. He offered his hand, and she shook it. She needed to keep her wits about her.
“I’m Duke.” He winked at Kip, but it was the kind of gesture that was automatic, not sincere. “I’m sure my little brother has told you all about me.”
Little brother?Kip had at least an inch on Duke. Maybe two. Something rose inside Ivy, some fierce need to protect her friend whether he needed it or not.