Page 90 of Wasted On You
“Jacob’s okay,” she said, staring at the bed sheet. It was light blue.
“That’s good.”
“Mackenzie says he’ll be able to leave the hospital in a few days.”
“I’ll have to call Arlene.”
“Who?” Was that a stain near the edge of the sheet? She picked at it.
“My office manager. I need her to call Wes, my backup guy, to check in on my animals.”
“Right.” The knot in her throat was so big she couldn’t breathe. Or talk. Or do anything but look at the dam bedsheet.
“Ivy. Look at me.”
“I can’t,” she whispered.
Why? She shuddered and exhaled. There were a million reasons.
“I love you, and you were just shot, and I’m sick of us both apologizing to each other for things that don’t matter. I’m done with the apologizing. I’m done thinking about the past. I’m done being afraid to be happy and to be loved, and I…” She finally looked up. “I went to your place tonight. I had something to say, and I’m sorry it took me so long to say it.”
“What’s that?” he asked, wincing when he tried to move his body.
“When I left Big Bend, I left the best part of me behind. That part was you. I had a lot of reasons, and I suppose at the time, they were so big and overwhelming that it felt like the right move was to leave. Cal made it easy; I wasn’t doing it on my own. And I was happy, for a while anyway. But now I realize that I was only living half a life, and I’m done with that. I want everything. I want it all. The house, the white picket fence, the kids.”
The words tumbled out of her and she had to take a moment. “I want you. You’re my forever, Mike Paul. You always were. And I’m hoping that I’m yours and you have to promise me that you’ll never get shot again.”
“Well now,” he said, voice husky. “Let’s start with the easy stuff. I guess I’m going to have to build me a white picket fence.”
“You might need some help with that.” She sniffled and attempted a smile.
He glanced at his shoulder. “Do you know anyone handy with a hammer?”
Heart in her throat, Ivy leaned down and pressed her mouth against his. “I might.” She kissed him then, a slow kind of kiss. The kind that made heads swim and hearts swell. It made desire burn, and aware that he was in pain and hopped on meds, she eventually broke away.
“I love you, Wilkens.” He grabbed her hand. “I always have.”
An idea formed in her mind. It was possibly crazy. No, it was definitely crazy. But she looked down at the man she would spend the rest of her life with and decided crazy was a good thing. Hell, it had gotten her this far.
“I’m supposed to get married on New Year’s Eve.”
“Yeah?” He laid back on the pillows. “You find any takers?”
“I had a Yankee lined up, but we decided it wouldn’t work.”
“Huh.” A half smile touched his lips. “What are you going to do about it?’
“Ask someone else.”
“You don’t say.”
“Oh, but I do.” She leaned forward. “How about you make an honest woman out of me?”
“Are you asking me to marry you?”