Page 12 of Micaela's Big Bad
“It’s a lot easier to move you when you’re unconscious.”
He had a good point.
“Seriously. When are we turning around?”
He kept staring at his phone, swiping over the screen. “We’re not.”
“My frie—”
His head lifted, and his eyes were blazing. “—is a demon. She is surrounded by her kind. Contrary to all the shitty things about demons, they’re a dying breed. They don’t immediately harm one another. Your friend is young, good-looking, and fertile. Nothing will happen to her.”
Gross. Just, so gross.
“Fine. Drop me off and I’ll—”
“What is your deal?”
Gah. His eyes were so piercing.
I wished he’d go back to looking at his phone.
Feeling my body heat rise, I shifted uncomfortably on the seat. “What do you mean?”
I crossed my arms over my chest.
That didn’t feel right.
“Is tonight not the night that’s meant for partying among the youth?”
I laid my arms on my lap.
That wasn’t better.
“Huh?” I wasn’t following him.
Maybe my arms could go under my legs? I could wedge them just underneath.
“You. Tonight. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to this hemisphere, but Halloween is known as a party night? At least over the last century.”
Power increases with age, so knowing this guy was really old was a whole different level of power when he talked about centuries.
I gulped. “What hemisphere do you usually acquaint?”
There I was, sounding all adult-like, or ancient-like.
Also, score another point for me for using ‘acquaint’ in a full sentence.
“Why are you spending this night chasing a friend who doesn’t need to be chased?” His eyes narrowed. “What are you distracting yourself from?”
The frog was back in my throat, and just doubled in size.
I had to sit there a bit and blink. I—was that what I was doing?
“What’s your name?”
I shot him a look, cocking an eyebrow up. “Now you ask? Aren’t we a tad bit late for those formalities?”
Another point for ‘formalities.’
His gaze just turned more heated, if that was an option.
“What is your name?”
I waited a beat, though I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t like being called by my full name, but that was my only hang-up with my name.
“I could find out.”
Now I flicked my eyes upwards. “I’m sure you could. Who are you, hmm? Want to know my name, I’d like yours first.”
He said almost on the same breath as I ended my sentence, “Kieran Raoul.”
Kieran—I choked.
I was choking.
That name. No way.
I snorted, laughing. “Yeah, right.”
He only looked at me.
He was serious.
I jerked forward. “No way!”
Kieran Raoul was a story told to us non-humans. A bedtime book to scare us into behaving and not going out to kill humans. He was as ancient as they came, knowing the origins of the vampire species, even the werewolves. It was whispered that the demon masters came to the surface to pay him homage, to give him presents. That the messengers above swept down to meet with him personally.
No one knew what he was, but he wasn’t supposed to be real.
Or alive.
He was a mythical creature to the mythical creatures.
And I was officially lightheaded again.
My voice was so faint, even to my ears. “Legend says that you rule the Eastern Hemisphere.”
“I do.”
His tone was so monotone, matter-of-fact.
I—I was freaking.
My pulse skyrocketed.
I was feverish, sweating buckets.
My legs took on the definition of a hyperactive kid with restless leg syndrome on steroids.
I had to get out of there.
He was the Big Bad. Like the OG Big Bad.
He could kill me with a thought, or the blink of an eye.
Panic rose up, swirling around and around in me as I tried again to look for a door within jumping distance, or a window I thought I could break.
Kieran Raoul was a killer, above all else.
We had rules to live by, and if anyone broke one, they were instantly incinerated in his hemisphere. At least that was the story we were told when we were younger. The ruler of our hemisphere was Matron Epux, the most earth-like an angel could get to being an archangel, and they were super powerful. But Kieran was something else entirely. He wasn’t rumored to be from evil or saint-like roots.
“You’re not joking?” I was whispering at this point. “Are you?”
Holding my gaze, he shook his head.
You cannot escape me, so stop looking for a way out. It’s insulting.
My breath left me at the same time. I was, once again, left lightheaded, this time for a completely different reason
I couldn’t process this. At all.
How did I get here?
I only meant to think that to myself, not directed at him.
Energists do not come out on dissension nights. I sensed you, and then took you. Coincidences rarely happen. You were there on purpose.
I wasn’t.
I could tell he didn’t believe me.
I tried again. I didn’t wake up and think, “I bet that super powerful badass that I don’t think exists is going to be at Nik’s club tonight.” I snorted more to myself than him, and glanced out the window. “Especially on the same day I left my boyfriend after I found him mid-thrust in a girl I know.”