Page 1 of Bedlam
Flatlining The Truth
“No, please no! Jade, baby, please wake up. I can’t do this without you. We can’t live without you! No, please, just breathe damn it, fucking breathe,” I beg, squeezing her lifeless body against mine.
“Call a fucking ambulance!” I scream as panic erupts from my soul. This can’t be it for us. I refuse to believe it.
My eyes are wide with horroras I take in the scene around me. I try to focus but it’s all blurring together. The blood, the chaos, it’s too much. My kitten won’t breathe, Jameson is bleeding out from his chest and no one is doing anything to help me. Spade locks eyes with Kayla before she turns and runs. He gets up to chase her but I grab his leg, pulling him back with all I have.
“No, don't you fucking dare leave us! Call a fucking ambulance, Spade, now!” I command and he blinks.
“What the fuck did I do?” He yells, grabbing at his hair and pulling it. “He-he told me to put the m-monster down. H-how could I? I-I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t thinking.” He stammers, looking at me with tears streaming down his face.
“Just call a fucking ambulance and hold your hand on his wound. Focus and fucking think, Reid!” I growl.
Holding an ice cold Jade, I continue to rock, waiting for her to open her eyes. “Please, baby, I beg you! Come back to us, please. I promise I’ll get out of the contract. Just fucking come back!” I beg as tears pour from my eyes while pleading to whoever is listening to bring my girl back.
“They’re on the way. Two minutes out. I need them to hold on for us. Just two more fucking minutes.” Spade spits as he rips the bottom of his tee and applies pressure to Jameson’s bleeding chest.
I take a deep breath, hoping a medical team can save them both. They have to, or there won’t be any coming back from this. We need them both to live or we might as well die with them.
“Wake up Jay, don’t you fucking leave us too!” Spade yells, applying pressure to the wound both of them caused.
“You’re not the monster, Jay. I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t mean to, brother. Fucking look at me, don’t you dare shut those eyes. Please! You have to live,” Spade cries out as Jameson lifts his hand, cupping Spade’s face. The sudden drop on Spade’s face says it all. His face twists with anger and fear as he closes his eyes and places his hand over Jameson’s.
“Stay with me brother, they’re almost here. You hear those sirens? They’re coming for us. Don’t close your eyes.” Spade continues to talk as the sirens get louder. “Jay, Jay, no. Jameson open your fucking eyes! Let me see them. Fuck!” He screams in Jamesons face as I hug Jade tighter, hoping my warmth will help her blood flow. I just need her to come back.
Tears pour down my face as I listen to Spade scream.This hurts so fucking bad.I close my eyes tightly and continue to rock my girl.
“I love you Jade. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. Please, don’t leave like everyone else. I want my happy ending and the only way that can happen is with you, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I need you, we need you. Please don’t leave, come back to us. I need to feel your warmth. I need to see that smile, baby, and the fire in your eyes. Please, baby. Fight for us.” I beg, hugging her tighter.I don’t know what else to do.
The next thing I know, the sirens sound like they’re right next to me.When the medical team finally arrives, they rush to me and Spade, but we can’t let go. I finally release her, not wanting this to be the end as I watch Spade push the medics away. I run over to him and pull him off, hearing his screams as he finally steps back, watching as they work on the two lifeless bodies before finally standing and putting Jameson and Jade on stretchers. When they start to ask questions, we tell them about finding Jade drowning and Jameson trying to kill himself. We can’t have the police sniffing around us. Plus, Jameson would gut us if Spade took the blame.
We hop in the suburban and follow the ambulances to the emergency room.
“We can’t lose them Ri. I won’t survive if we do.” He whispers, looking down at his hands covered in blood.
“We won’t. They are strong.” I say, and he looks at me, not believing a word I said. Honestly, I’m not sure If I believe it myself. I have to have faith that they will be okay once we get to the hospital. They fucking have to be, because he’s right. If we lose them, you might as well kill us.
“When I get my hands on Kayla, I’m going to snap her fucking neck, I don’t give a fuck about the twins.” He spits, finally looking away from his hands.
“Agreed. I don’t know who the fuck she thinks she is, but it's time to put a stop to her, once and for all. She can’t be trusted, period.” I seethe as I grip the steering wheel, flying through the streets and arriving at the hospital in no time. Parking in the first fucking spot I can find, we hop out and run for the entrance, only for security to stop us.
“Can I help you?” The guard asks, his eyes looking us up and down.We must look like a fucking wreck right now.
“My girlfriend and brother were just brought in. Where do we go?” I growl.
“Name?” The asshole asks.
“Jad–Fallon Rivers and Jameson Callaghan.” His eyes widen at Jameson’s name before quickly escorting us to the ICU. Spade bursts through the doors, heading for the nurses' station while I hang back, letting him do his thing.
Taking my phone out, I send a text off to the Devil himself. I’d rather he hear it from me than the media.
Me: There’s been an accident and Jameson is in the ICU. Just figured I’d give you a heads up before the media is all over it. You’re welcome.
I put my phone away without waiting for a response. I could care less if the prick even reads it honestly. The second it’s tucked back in my pocket, I look up to see Spade coming back with rage in his eyes.