Page 22 of Bedlam
If only I could get the fuck out of this bed and go to her myself, I would, but he has guards littering the floor. The only way to get what I want, is to either kill everyone in my path or be his fucking puppet?
Weed & Photographs
A few days have gone by and I’ve completely ignored Ryder. From the last text he sent me, one can only assume he’s pissed at me for not going to the funeral. He needs to understand I’m not ready to put my girl to rest. It hurts my heart to think about saying goodbye, and no one can force me otherwise.
Jay is still in the hospital from what I’ve been told. Dalton has banned us from stepping foot on the grounds until further notice, and has threatened to kill us on the spot if we even think about ambushing again.
What Dalton doesn’t know is that we have eyes on him on the inside, giving us updates periodically. It’s absolutely maddening that our hands are fucking tied. It makes me feel like The Aces are coming at us from all ends, trying to take each of us out, one at a time. Dalton better watch himself though, being that Jayhas been The Carver as of late, he won’t hesitate to take his own father out when push comes to shove.
Grabbing the remote, I turn the tv on and surf the channels until I find something interesting to watch. My phone pings as I pick up the joint from Jade’s coffee table and light it, taking a deep pull as Iread the message.
Sergio: Everything is out of The Academy like you asked. Where are we dropping it off?
Me: Everything comes to Jade’s house. Put it all in the garage, except for the cars and bikes. Thanks man, payment will be sent momentarily.
Sergio: You got it, Boss.
Switching the thread, I text Ri to let him know all his shit is here and he can come anytime to pick it up.
Ri: How long are you going to be held up at her house?
Me: Until I figure out another plan. I can’t just leave it empty.
Ri: Or until they kick you out.
Me: That too.
Ri: I’ll be by when I can to get my shit.
Me: Roger that.
Placing my phone down on my stomach, I lean back against the soft black leather couch and continue to smoke my joint, building up the courage to make this next call.Fuck. Why can’t things ever be easy?Calling the leader of the Irish Army on a whim is intimidating as fuck.Maybe I can just text him? No, that would be disrespectful and I need this gun deal.
Taking another hit off the joint, I lift the phone from my stomach and stare at the picture of me and Jade for a moment. The smile on her face as she looks up at me while I’m holding her from behind brings a smile to my face. We look so fucking happy here. I take a deep breath, thinking about that moment like it was yesterday.
Jade is standing in the kitchen getting snacks for our study session for tonight. We made a pillow bed on the floor of her bedroom instead of going down to the theater room. It’s storming today, and she loves the way the rain pelts against her windows as thunder roars in the sky. She says it's soothing, and if she could, she would be laying outside during the storm, but the lightning is hitting like a motherfucker out there, sothat idea was out. I step into the kitchen and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her middle.
“Mmm, Babyboy. I’ve missed your touch today.” She says, leaning into my chest. I bend down and nuzzle my face into her neck causing her to giggle.
“I just missed you altogether, Babygirl. I feel like I haven’t seen you all day.” I whisper, littering kisses along her neck.
“Don’t start. We will never get any studying done if you do.” She warns and I laugh.
“But it’s relaxing. Don’t you want to cum a couple of times before we use our brains to study useless information we will never need again?” I say, sucking the spot behind her ear she loves so much.
“Spadeeee.” She moans as my hands travel up her stomach to her perfect tits, squeezing them both before rolling my thumbs against her pierced peaks.
“Fuck, Babyboy.” She whimpers, rubbing her ass against my hard cock.
“Take a picture with me. I need something to look at every time I open my phone.” I say and she looks up at me, smiling. I take the opportunity and pull out my phone, placing it in front of us.
“You know I love you, right, Babygirl?” I say as our eyes connect. She smiles so brightly and that’s when I snap the picture, capturing the moment to have forever.
“Yes, I do Reid, and I love you too.” She says, leaning up to kiss me. I spin her around, grabbing her hips and lift her onto the island, stepping between her legs. Cupping her face with both of my hands, I bring her lips to mine and kiss her slowly, stroking my tongue along hers, causing her body to shiver.