Page 32 of Bedlam
I force the words out, getting frustrated, “Listen, I don’t do well with being ignored. I need answers, or I’m ripping this fucking IV out, and going in search of what I need.” I spit and her eyes widen in fear.
“No, no, Miss.” She says with an accent. Where do I know that accent from? The door opens again and my eyes collide with someone I never expected to see.
“Ciamar a tha thu a' faireachdainn an-diugh?" He asks, coming over to sit next to the bed and taking my hand into his.
What the fuck is going on?
Phone calls & Contracts
Ri came over last night a fucking mess. He went to visit Ams and I wish I would’ve known because I’ve been meaning to pay her a visit. I miss my best friend and wish she was here to help us get through all of this. So instead, we spiraled and got shit faced in Jade’s living room. We made an appointment for a psychic medium to come here next weekend because I want to talk to my girl, and if that’s the only way, through some witch, then that’s what I’m going to do.
We’re going to have to replace all the liquor in this house because we are almost out and she was stocked before all this shit went down. I refuse to leave until someone kicks me out. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment being here, still smelling her scent everywhere I turn. It’s like she’s torturing me from the other side, laughing at my misery as her scent wafts every so often. Some nights I chase it, not wanting it to go away, and italways leads me to her bedroom which I won’t step foot in. I’m not ready to face it. I just keep putting it off with no plans on hashing that shit out anytime soon.
Having Ri here with me as we both drank ourselves stupid helped a bit. We worked out our differences, and threw a few punches, but it needed to happen. We are all each other has now that Jay isn’t here with us. That's another thing pissing me the fuck off. We haven't gotten an update in days. I need both of my brothers now more than I ever did, and it doesn’t help that Jay has no idea what happened with Jade.Fucking Dalton and The Aces. Fucking pricks.
Casino night was awesome until Marsela showed up dressed like my girl. I wrapped my hand around her throat so fucking fast, if it wasn’t for Ryder pulling me off the cunt I would’ve killed her, which in retrospect would’ve killed Ri’s twins. I know I wouldn’t forgive myself if I did that. They are innocent babies trapped in a demon womb. It’s not their fault. Ri cried and admitted he didn’t want the twins and I punched him in the face. I understand this wasn’t part of the plan. He never wanted her to be the mother of his children.
Everything always points back to Jade. She’s all we want, all we need, but the stars had other plans for Ri and he’s slowly dying inside. He also confessed he’s thought about killing himself more times then he can count. We are all suffering with no answers, just stuck, suffocating in the abyss. All I ever want to do is drink and get high and forget everything, just close my eyes and think of all the memories and all the good times we had when we had her. Ryder has been my saving grace and I’m man enough to admit it. He’s the reason I haven’t completely lost my shit. It’s weird, it’s like he senses when I’m about to spiral and then poof, he’s here making me forget.
I lean my head back against the couch, deciding whether I want to drink again or get high but a waft of Jade’s scent hitsmy nostrils and my dick twitches.Jesus fucking Christ.What I would give to have her pussy gripping my cock right now. The overwhelming urge to fuck something hits me like a ton of bricks, especially with her smell lingering in the air. I reach into my sweats and groan as I grip my cock, stroking it.
Pulling myself out, I pump my hard cock as a tear falls from my eye.Fuck, I can’t even jerk off without fucking crying.Tucking myself back in my sweats, I grind up some weed and roll a joint. Lighting it, I take a deep pull and take out my phone, seeing I have a missed call and text from Ryder. Opening the thread, I scroll down to his name.
Ryder: I’m coming over. I have something to show you.
Me: You know where I be.
Taking another hit, my phone begins to ring and I pick it up.
“Yo.” I say down the line.
“Spade,” Ri rasps, breathing heavily.
“Ri, what’s wrong. You good?” I ask, concern laced in my tone.
“Marsela is dead and they beat the fuck out of me. I need help. I can’t fucking drive anymore.” He grits.Fuck.
“Oh shit, can you drop a pin on your location? I’m waiting for Ryder to get here. We will come get you.” I say panic stricken as I pace the living room hoping Ryder will be here any second.
“Yeah, I dropped it. I didn’t fucking kill her. I swear it. They don’t fucking believe me though. They are going to kill me. I need to hide or something. It hurts so fucking bad to breathe.” He chokes out.
“Just hang on brother.” I say as I hear the rumble of a bike.
Fuck yes, finally. “Ri, you still with me? I’ll be there soon. Just hang the fuck on.” I say, grabbing the keys to my charger and heading out the front door.
“Just hurry up. There’s a lot of blood, Reid. I don’t know where it’s coming from.” He says.
“I’m on the way. Just hang on.” I say, hanging up and running over to Ryder.
“What’s wrong?” he says with furrowed brows.
“Marsela’s dead and Ri is hurt. We have to go get him.” I say and he nods, grabbing his pistol.
“Fuckkk, let’s roll.” He says, following me to the car and hopping in.