Page 34 of Bedlam
“Leave me with him. I’ll holler if I need you.” He orders, waving us away as Ryder grabs my arm, pulling me away. I look up at him and he cups my face.
“He will be okay. The Doc will save him. He’s a fighter. An ass beating isn’t going to take him down. Have faith.” He says, and I pull him to me, gently brushing my lips against his.
“Thank you for being here with me. I can’t do this alone.” I admit and he kisses me slowly, wrapping his hand around my throat.
“Why do you always taste so good?” he asks with a smirk, and I shake my head sucking his bottom lip.
“I could ask the same about you, Biker Bitch.” I laugh sadly and he growls.
“You’re lucky we have company.” He warns and I wink as I take a step back, walking into the living room. Grabbing the joint, I light it up and take the longest hit of my life and blow it out in his direction.
“Don’t start that shit. Here.” He warns, taking out a piece of paper, handing it to me.
“What the fuck is this?” I ask unfolding it. Reading it, my eyes go wide.
“What the fuck? What does this mean?” I ask and he takes a deep breath.
“From the document alone, it states that you and Jade are married. Yeah, you’ve been married since she turned eighteen.” He says with a laugh.
“How the fuck? Who signed off on this?” I ask, scanning the contract for signatures. My heart is in my chest at what this means. I have a wife, who's dead, and that leaves me with what? My head fucking spins at all this.
“Wait, is that?” I say, stunned when I look at the signatures.
“Yep! The plot just got a whole fucking thicker.” He says as I fall to my knees, the words on the document slowly sinking into my brain.
Jade’s my wife. I’ve been a married man this whole time, and now I’m a widow. What the fuck?
Bi-colored eyes & A dirty mouth
“Flynn? What the fuck?” I say, extremely shocked that he’s sitting beside me, holding my hand.
“Jade.” He warns at my crass language, but he should know better. I’m respectful until I’m not, and this is me, confused as fuck.
“I’m sorry Flynn, but I wake up with a killer headache and Bertha here comes in, shoving water in my face and refusing to give me answers. So forgive me for being a little frustrated with the lack of information being spewed at the moment.” I seethe, not understanding what the fuck is going on.
“I got a call to get you to safety, so here we are.” He says with his thick irish accent. I shuffle around in the bed, feeling vulnerable and I don’t like it.
“That’s it? That’s all you're going to give me?” I say, getting annoyed at the fucking secrecy of my whereabouts.
“Leanbh, you are safe here in my abhaile. What more do you need to know?” He says, squeezing my hand.
“I know I’m safe with you, that was never a question for me, but why am I in Ireland? What happened to me? Does my father know I’m here? Where’s D’mitri? I know you hate him, but I need him.” I say, looking over at him with pleading eyes. He’s a man of a few words and it’s like pulling teeth to get answers out of him, but how the fuck did I get here and why?
“Cillian called and said you were in trouble. That you have a bounty on your head and needed out of the states immediately.” He says, but one thing I know about Flynn, is he always looks you dead in your eyes when speaking to you. It’s an intimidation tactic, but right now he’s looking everywhere exceptmy eyes so I know something is off.
“Cillian? I haven’t seen him in years. Why would he be calling you?” I say confused as Bertha fluffs up my pillows and makes the bed as I lay in it. Flynn stands up, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and walks over to the windows, looking out at the grounds. I can only imagine what he’s looking at. I’ve only been here a few times as a kid, but I don’t remember anything about this place other than the dogs my mom trained. Which makes me think of my pups.I could use their cuddles right about now.He takes a deep breath and looks back at me over his shoulder.
“What do you mean you haven’t seen him in years? I sent him to the states to watch over you and go to The Academy as punishment for the shit he pulled here.” He says softly, but my eyes go wide because I seriously have not seen my best friend in god knows how long.
“Wait, what? I’m supposed to leave for The Academy next week. I seriously haven’t seen him.” I say, telling the fucking truth as his eyes furrow, like he’s deep in thought.
“That can’t be right.” He says, pulling out his phone.
“Flynn, I’m no liar and you know that.” I state, immediately put in defense mode.