Page 41 of Bedlam
The vision leaves as fast as it came and I shake my head trying to focus as I sway. I blink as I grip the bag, pushing off of it as the soldiers behind me light each other up.I wish one of these guys would get in the cage with me. It would be nice to let some of my rage out.
After a few more rounds with the bag, I grab a water bottle from the fridge that’s stocked with all different drinks. Next to it is a sink and cabinets filled with energy bars, protein powder and pre workout mix. I lean against the counter and watch the guys in the cage as I control my breathing. I feel like I haven’t worked out in years, which can’t be true because my fath–John, made me go through training more than necessary.
Fuck. To think the man who raised me isn’t my real dad sends a ping to my heart.I wonder if he knows the truth and why no one has ever told me.Why didn't I live here from the start? Why make me think Flynn was just a distro for all the guns I sell and not my fucking father?
The elevator dings and in comes Kane wearing nothing but basketball shorts and a wicked smile on his face. My eyes watch his every movement, taking in all his tattoos and ripped fucking muscles.Down girl.His eyes collide with mine and he smirks, walking over to me.
“Did you enjoy the show, Gra?” He asks, smiling and I roll my eyes.
“No, it was pretty boring from where I was standing.” I retort, causing him to take a step closer.
“Maybe if you would’ve joined in, then it wouldn't have been so… boring,” he sings.
“Nothing about that scene did anything for me, so forgive me for the lack of interest.” I quip, finishing off my water and throwing the bottle at his chest.
“That mouth is going to get you killed one day, or stuffed. Either or.” He threatens and I laugh, not taking the bait.
“Oh yeah huh? And who's going to be the lucky person to do so? It ain't you. You just like to watch, Madra.” I taunt and he growls.
“We will see about that, Gra. I have plans for you.” He says, which has me stopping in my tracks. Spinning, I place my hand on my hip and arch a brow.
“Go on, say what you need to say.” I seethe, waiting for him to spill his load.
“You think because you’re the queen that you’re untouchable when you aint nothing but a biker whore.” He says and I laugh as he tries to intimidate me with his words while circling me.
“I don’t think shit. It’s only been a week that I’ve known this information. Is someone feeling threatened?” I taunt, but he laughs.
“Threatened? By you? Not a chance, little girl.” He states and now it’s my turn to laugh.
“Seems that way from where I’m standing. What is your role exactly, Kane? Is me being here, the daughter of your boss, throwing a wrench into your plans, big boy?” I tease, laughing as I walk away from the conversation.Again, he is so easy to piss off that it’s borderline boring to speak with him half the time.I came down here to train, not argue with his bitch ass. He grabs my arm and I spin, getting in his face.
“Get the fuck off me, Kane.” I warn, but he doesn’t let go as he tightens his hold.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me when I’m speaking to you.” He commands and I laugh, looking at his hold on my arm and then back up at him.
“I said, get your fucking hands off of me. Don’t make me repeat myself a third time. Madra.” I spit but he still doesn’t let me go.
“Or else what?” He says as I sweep my leg out toward his, taking him to the ground in one swift movement. I stand above him and laugh.
“You fucked with the wrong female, asshole.” I spit as he gets to his feet, pushing me. I stumble back a bit, making him think he can push me around, but today ain’t the day mother fucker.
“You wanna fight, big boy? Get in the cage. Ten grand says I’ll be making you scream ‘uncle’.” I taunt, and his eyes widen.
“Twenty large says I’ll have you tapping out within the first round.” He counters and I laugh.
“BET.” I say, my eyes lighting up at the thought of kicking some ass and getting bloody.The only thing that sucks about this is it’s going to make me so fucking horny to kick his fucking ass. Fuck.
“Two minutes and you have yourself a deal, Gra.” he says and I roll my eyes.
“Well, hurry the fuck up, I don’t have all night.” I yell, walking over to the cage as the soldiers inside finish up.
Stepping into the cage, I jump lightly on my feet as I roll my shoulders.This is going to be like taking candy from a baby.He steps in as the others surround the cage, yelling their bets. It’s funny they’re all betting on him. I’m about to take all their money.
“You ready, Gra. Don’t cry when I hand your sweet ass to you.” He says, grinning from ear to ear as he stretches his limbs.Fuck, why does him doing all that make me want to jump him?
“I’ve been ready. Let’s do this, Madra.” I laugh, raising my fists as we circle one another. He throws the first punch and I bob out of the way, landing a punch of my own to his ribs, causing him to grunt, but I don’t stop. I keep jabbing him in the same spot with my left while he blocks his face from my right.
Spinning, I kick him hard, sending him back into the chain links. I’m back on him before he can move, punching him in the chest, but he pushes me away to right himself.