Page 55 of Bedlam
“Jameson.” Spade admits and my eyes widen. “And there’s a tracker in it,” he laughs.
“A tracker? What the fuck? Did I know about this?” I ask, and he shakes his head.
“Nope. Jameson did this shit all by himself. You can yell at him when you see him,” he says and now it’s my turn to laugh.
“Oh, I will and he’s going to get my foot up his ass, or a knife to his throat. Depends on my mood.” I say, shoveling in a piece of bacon. I groan at the taste of the pig fat. I can feel eyes on me, but I refuse to look at them. I’m already hot and bothered, so I don’t need to see the look in their eyes. A beeping sound goes off and the guys all get to their feet. Ryder and Spade cock their guns as Dario spins a knife around his fingers.
“Jesus you guys. Do you think someone is coming to kill us?” I say, and Dario laughs.
“You’re home. No one is getting near you as long as you’re with us, and this is our safe place. We aren’t playing around this time,” he says, but I hear something else in his words, as if he’s not telling the whole truth. I’ll table that for another time. I’m too hungry to give a fuck at the moment.
“Someone’s at the gate.” Ryder says and Spade steps to the intercom, speaking into it. The person on the other end growls into the speaker as Spade adjusts the video, zooming in to see who it is. I look over my shoulder to see the screen, not recognizing the car.
“Let him in.” He orders and Ryder presses a button, causing the gates to swing open.
“Who is it?” I ask as Spade walks to the front door.
“Cyprus brothers.” He says, but the name doesn’t ring any bells so I continue to eat my food as Dario hovers around me ready to throw down, cane and all. Speaking of canes.
“Um, where’s Kane? You guys didn’t kill him, right?” I ask, and Dario huffs.
“He’s lucky I haven’t, but he went to bed about an hour before you came down. He’s a fucking prick.” He says and I laugh.
“Tell me about it. But orders are orders and I don’t have much of a choice.” I say and he nods as two men I’ve never seen before step into my house. Getting up from my seat, I walk into the foyer and eye them up and down.
“Can I help you?” I sass, and the white-haired guy flicks his lip ring with a grin, but the other one with dark hair speaks first.
“Jameson called me. He needs our help.” He says and the guys all narrow their eyes.
“Why would he call you and not us?” Spade questions, but the dark-haired kid shrugs.
“Um, what’s your names? You both are in my house and I have not a clue who the fuck you are.” I say and the white-haired guy doesn’t speak, just stands there, eye fucking me. I raise a brow as Spade growls.
“Caspian, cut the shit.” Spade says as Dario comes to stand next to me.
“I’m Caspian, this is my brother, Axel, and you are?” He smiles.
“I’m Jade. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Now explain why you are here interrupting my dinner.” I demand, and he smiles wider.
“Damn, she’s feisty and cute.” He says and I flip him off.
“We’re here because of Jameson. He called about two hours ago, saying he needed to get out of Hillsboro.” Axel says and the guys gasp.
“What do you mean ‘Hillsboro’?” Like the institution?” Dario asks and Axel nods.
“That’s all he told me. He needs all the bells and whistles to get him out, and when we get there, to leave the clown girl alone. Everyone else is up for grabs.” He says.
“I thought he was still at Whitestone General, not the fucking mental institution.” Spade says, and Dario growls.
“Fucking Dalton.” Dario spits and suddenly I’m hit with a vision of a man in the library, the same man who was in the room I was held captive in. He’s filming everything that they do to me, and now he’s taunting Dario as I sit on the table. Then, as fast as it hit me, it's gone. I blink away the vision and grab onto Dario’s sleeve as I sway a bit, but this one wasn’t so bad.
“I know that man.” I whisper, and he pulls me back into the kitchen, cupping my face.
“What did you see?” He asks, concern in his voice.
“Us, in the library, with him. It came fast and then I was back. But it makes me uncomfortable the way he looked at me. Even though my brain doesn’t remember everything, my gut is telling me he’s a terrible man. I also feel like my brain didn’t put two and two together then what it just did now.” I say and he nods.
“He is terrible, and he’s Jameson's father. Fucking piece of shit.” He growls as I swallow thickly.Fuck.Schooling my features so he doesn’t pick up on that, there’s more to the story than meets the eye, so I change the subject… slightly.