Page 59 of Bedlam
“We need a distraction. Cyprus brothers are surrounded by four guards, on the first floor.”
“I thought this was supposed to be fast and easy?” Spade asks.
“Is anything ever easy? Do you not remember what happened the last time?” Dario reminds him. We open the door and slowly walk through the halls of this place. It’s creepy as fuck here. I see an empty room, grab a flash bang, pull the pin and roll it into the room.
“Run!” I yell and we take off down the hallway, skidding to a stop as we round the corner right on top of the brothers. I give no fucks and grab another flash bang, pulling the pin and throwing it towards the guards.
“Get down, cover your face and run!” I yell and they all follow suit. We get to another door, waiting for the light to turn green and swing it open to another set of stairs.
“We gotta make this quick. They’ve called in the police. We have about twenty minutes to grab Jameson and get the fuck out of here.” Dario says in a panic.
“Then we light this bitch up.” I say and we all take out our guns, ready to shoot first and ask questions later.
We finally get to the floor we need and I run down the hallway, praying I’m going the right way as everyone splits up.
“Kitten, be careful.” Dario reminds me as someone grabs me from behind, but as soon as they grab me, I hear a pop just as fast. The body drops and I don’t look back to see who saved my ass.I need to find Jameson.
“Jameson!” I yell as I continue to check every room. A girl with white-blonde hair, dressed as a clown, suddenly slams into me.What the fuck?I aim my gun at her but Dario screams into the com.
“Jade, no! We have specific instructions to leave her be.” He says in a panic and I lower my weapon.
“What do you want with Mr. Sir Jameson?” She asks, her head cocked to the side as she takes me in.
“Where is he?” I spit, not giving a fuck about being nice to the clown.
“Maybe if you weren’t being a whole bitch, I’d tell you.” She giggles, but Dario again stops me from making any moves.
“Don’t. Trust me. Just leave her.” He orders again and I nod.
“Fine.” I say. I yell again for Jameson. As soon as his name leaves my lips, a tall muscular blonde man with blue eyes runs out of a room and stops in front of me. I look up at him as his eyes widen.
“Princess?” he asks, his face dropping in disbelief, like he’s shocked to see me.
“Jameson?” I question him with an arched brow.
He stumbles back for a second when Spade comes running down the hall, tackling Jameson to the ground as a bullet flies over their heads. I spin, shooting the guard in the face. He drops like a ton of bricks as the others make their way over. I turn backto see them hugging and what shocks me is when Spade grabs Jameson’s face and brushes his lips against his.
Jesus Christ, why is that so hot?
Goodbyes & Sunshine
Tears spring in my eyes as I take in Spade on top of me. He lays a gentle kiss on my lips and I can’t help but deepen it.I didn’t fucking kill him or my girl. Holy shit. This is such a fucking relief.Spade pulls away with a smile and gets off me, standing up and placing his hand out for me to take.
“It’s so good to see you, brother. You have no fucking idea.” I confess, and he smiles wide.
“Agreed, but we can save all this for later. We need to get you the fuck out of here, now.” He says in a panic, handing me a knife. I take it and follow him, but not before grabbing Jade and slamming her into the nearest wall, ripping the mask off her head and pressing my lips against hers. She pushes me away and I growl. Seeming like deja vu, I wrap my hand around her throat and slam my lips against hers again. She presses a knife to mygroin, but I don't care. The only way I’ll ever leave her be is if she carved my black heart out of my chest. I pull back with a smirk.
“You’re going to have to try harder than that, Siren.” I say, and she narrows her eyes.
“Get off of me so we can get the fuck out of here.” She orders, and I laugh.
“Oh, baby, I love when you order me around. Get that ass moving, little slut.” I threaten and her eyes narrow. A throat clears and I turn to see some fucking guy I’ve never seen before.
“Back up off her, or I’ll put this knife right through your throat, making this a useless fucking mission.” He threatens in an accent that is so familiar. I take a step back from my girl, spinning the knife through my fingers as Inarrow my eyes at this prick.Who the fuck does he think he’s speaking to?Just as I’m about to make my move, Spade gets in front of me, pushing me away.