Page 64 of Bedlam
“So Big Man, what are our options?” she asks and of course Spade chimes in.
“Pizza!” He yells, taking a hit off the joint and passing it to Ryder. The rest of us groan at the idea of pizza. That’s all he ever wants to eat. Like a fucking child.
I can feel the tension in the room and someone better spill the fucking beans already before I do it myself. Looking down at Jade, she winks as she takes my phone and scrolls the menus, not missing a beat.
“So, Spade, I had a vision earlier with Caveman of the three of us hooking up,” she starts, and my eyes snap to Spade’s, who's now coughing on the joint he just hit. I laugh because shit is about to get interesting.
“What was happening in this vision, Babygirl?” He asks with a smirk and I shake my head.
“Yeah, I wanna know too,” Ryder interjects as my eyes widen.
“You would, but don’t you have a boyfriend and a scum bucket of a girlfriend?” Jameson chimes in.Oh, shit, shots fired.I look down at Jade who has a smirk on her face. She set this shit up.
“You’re right, I would, seeing that my cock was down his throat not even thirty minutes ago.” Ryder snides, and there goes Spade, choking on the joint yet again.
“Excuse me? Spade had his mouth on your cock?” Jameson asks, standing from the couch.Uh oh. Shit is about to get real.I lean into Jade and nudge her shoulder.
“What are we supposed to do when blood starts spilling on your new rugs?” I whisper and she turns her head, brushing her lips against mine.
“I guess we'll sit back and watch it play out. They have to get through this one way or another.” She whispers back as I cup her cheek, bringing her lips back to mine, kissing them softly. She moans, causing everyone's head to turn to us.Fuck.
“Carry on, nothing to see here.” She says, waving them off before grabbing me and pulling me down to her.
“Can we just disappear upstairs and let them fuck it out? I think that’s what they truly need, and I much rather have you to myself without an audience.” She whispers, but as much as I want nothing more than to take her upstairs and do filthy fucking things to her, I need to tell her the truth. I refuse to be the guy I was. I want to do this the right way.
“After we eat and have a conversation. Then if you still want me, I’ll take you upstairs and make you purr on my cock. All ten inches are yours, Kitten. You just say the word.” I say, reaching down to adjust my hardening cock. Yelling takes us out of the moment as my head snaps to Spade, holding his head. Ryder and Jameson are in each others’ faces and it’s time to diffuse the situation, but of course the Irish prick makes his presence known as he takes the stairs two at a time, entering the living room.
“Awe, a lovers' quarrel,” he says as Jameson spins on him.
“Run that back.” He spits and I get up from the couch before these walls really become a shade of red.
Pushing Jameson back towards the couch, Jade grabs him and pulls him down to sit with her and I look over at Spade, who's in deep whispers with Ryder.
“Looks like it’s just me and you Lad.” He laughs, folding his arms over his chest. This guy is a fucking joke. He says one more thing and I’m going to punch him in the fucking face.
“Alright. It’s time to lay some shit on the table.” I say, and Spade shakes his head.
“Too bad. Jade’s right. You three need to either figure this shit out or fuck it out.” I say, and Jameson laughs.
“I don’t bottom, so if they ain't taking it, there’s nothing to speak about,” he says and I shake my head.
“Okay, well, I didn’t need a fucking play-by-play brother, like Jesus fucking Christ.” I spit as Kane laughs.
“Awe, are you not in touch with your sexuality, Dario? Are you too masculine to be surrounded by a bunch of dudes who like to fuck each other?” he accuses. I don’t even give anyone the chance to see it coming before I rear back, my ribs screaming at me as I send a quick jab to his nose, feeling the slight crunch under my knuckles as blood immediately seeps from his nostrils. He licks the blood and comes at me full force, causing me to drop the cane, side-stepping him and sending him flying into the wall head first. My eyes snap to Jade’s as this prick tries to right himself.
“Kitten, this is your second? Aint no mother fucking way. Send his ass back to Ireland. He’s useless.” I spit, and she shakes her head as he tries to come at me again.
“Kane, enough. Find a fucking seat or go find something fucking useful to do.” She commands and like the bitch he is, he sits over on the windowsill, far away from us.
“Now, back to the problem at hand. Jameson and Spade would hook up only when it was the three of us. Now Spade and Ryder are a thing. Y’all can fill Jameson in on the middle part of this. I don’t care how it happened. If you want to be together, I'm good with it. Like I said in the van, I’ll never make you choose. Just as long as I’m the only female for the three of you, I’m good with it.” She says as Jameson snickers.
“So while I’m in the hospital, you find someone else and start fucking him?” He accuses Spade, and he shakes his head.
“It wasn’t like that. You fucking flatlined. We thought you were dead, and then me and Ri were arguing. Apparently you didn't like that and the drs took you into surgery. Then I met up with Slim who told me Jade was dead and handed me a box of her ashes,” he says and Jameson stands from the couch.
“How stupid can you be? You should’ve known right then and there she was still alive. Why don’t you ever stop and fucking think?” Jameson yells, getting in Spade’s face.
“How can I think when this fuck was MIA, our girl was drowning in the lake, and then I stabbed you because it’s always your fault?” He screams, pushing Jameson in the chest.