Page 25 of Season of the Wolf
I repeated those words to myself often, in moments of weakness such as this. A few minutes ago hadn’t been the first time Hilda scolded me. She issuedmanywarnings, actually. All brought on by her tendency to catch me watching him, or sneaking into his room like tonight. Once, she went as far as comparing my behavior to a cat in heat, clawing at the walls, restless. I didn’t argue with her, and actually laughed at the analogy because, well … her observation wasn’t too far off.
I sighed, feeling the steady thrum of my pulse throbbing in my lips as I licked them.
He needs rest.
Hilda was right; I should back off.
“So, I heard you and Dallas talking about putting that gym in the basement to good use,” I inquired—anything to get my thoughts fixated on something other than …the physical.
Liam nodded, using the second towel he brought with him to dry his hair a bit.
“Yeah, I think it’s time. I know everyone’s concerned about me taking it easy, but I won’t get back to being myself by just sitting around.”
Neither of us spoke as I imagined mirrored thoughts passed between us—that no amount of working out would ever really get him back to being himself. There wasn’t an exercise regimen for reviving a dragon.
“But … that’s the plan,” he sighed.
I pursed my lips together as I watched him. There were certain topics I avoided.Weavoided. Talking about how he felt was one of them, but it only seemed right to ask.
“Are you … okay?” My voice was small, and I hated the tone of the question the instant it left my mouth.‘Defeated’was the word that came to mind.
Broad shoulders lifted into the air with a shrug, the muscles beneath them working with each movement.
“Depends on the day,” was all he said.
I didn’t push.
With what seemed like a forced smile, he gazed at me. “But I hardly notice I’m not whole when you’re here.”
I drank in the sight of him, drowning in the emotional wells through which he stared.
He needs rest.
Giving him space was easier said than done. I understood he still needed time to completely recover, regain his strength, but … did he reallyneedstrength? I mean, I had no problem doing all the work.
I discreetly palmed my forehead.
Dude … seriously? What the heck are you saying? Just … stop!
My cheeks burned hot as I imagined us entangled in ways I ought not to, considering he was still on the mend and all. But then he stood, our gazes locking once more, as if these unladylike thoughts of mine had been blasted from a speaker. Didn’t help that Ilookedguilty—biting my own lips because I’d gotten beside myself.
He blinked and I knew he felt it, the raw, almost animalistic attraction I held for him. Usually, I was able to hide it, but not so much lately.
Maybe it was brought on by my excitement over having him back.
Maybe it was because nearly losing him made the feelings between us so much more powerful.
I loved him, yes, but … this felt like more than love.
It was a deeply rooted need I developed—to belong to him. The only thing that made sense for me was being his.
Let the man rest.
Good ol’ Hilda’s voice rang inside my head again, also making me recall yetanotherof her helpful quips—‘Put it on ice, child!’
I smiled to myself, hearing her rich dialect as though she were in the room with us. Liam—having no inkling of the madness running rampant inside my head—smiled back before disappearing for only a moment to slip into a pair of pants. On his way back, he turned out the lights. I listened to his steps as he crossed the room and then filled the space beside me.