Page 51 of Season of the Wolf
“I should go to them,” she said as a smile ghosted on her lips.
“Of course!” I nodded, feeling her excitement leap onto me. This was what she’d been waiting for, the moment her family would be more complete than it had been in centuries.
Yet, her feet were glued in place.
Just beneath the surface of her excitement was a twinge of fear. Maybe that something hadn’t gone right. Maybe even a smidge of doubt that she’d done the right thing bringing them back. Maybe fear that she’d disturbed them to bring them into chaos.
I’d considered that last possibility. We were definitely inviting them to stand knee-deep in our madness. Yes, because we desired that they be present with us in general, but we also needed their help. However, every time I allowed myself to feel guilty about that, I remembered how Liam described them to me—fearless, loyal, and they had a passion for battle.
“They’ll need these,” Hilda said in a rush, taking charge when Elise froze.
A stack of folded clothing was placed in Elise’s hands and next, Hilda guided her to the stairs by her shoulders.
“This way,” she sing-songed.
When the bed stirred behind me, I glanced toward Liam, feeling my pulse throb behind my ears. This moment was what we’d been working toward for so long. And now, it was here.
“Ready?” he asked, our previous plans now completely gone out the window as this news was brought to us.
I wanted to just say yes, wanted to share his enthusiasm, but … I just shrugged, hating that I felt so uncertain about all this, but I did.
My fingers warmed with his touch and I was led from his room with a gentle tug. The journey from the second floor to the basement seemed like a lifetime. Mostly because I experienced such a wide range of emotions. By the time we reached the false partition, I felt inebriated.
I glanced left, toward Liam, and it was hard to miss how anxious he was. In all this, I’d focused so much on what having them back meant for Elise, I’d nearly forgotten what it meant tohim. My brothers were practicallyhisbrothers.
For so long, he’d roamed the Earth alone. It was hard to imagine what it would feel like to have almost everyone he loved back again.
I squeezed his hand, finally feeling some of that eagerness transfer to me.
This would only be a good thing.
Slowly, the partition was eased back. It was Hilda who stepped out, and much to my relief, she was smiling. Smiling meant everything went fine and all six were alive and well. Smiling meant that, on the other side of the wall, Elise wasn’t heartbroken.
My own heart thundered and I squeezed Liam even tighter.
“It was a success,” Hilda confirmed.
It was no secret she was a hard nut to crack. There was no question of her love nor her loyalty, but she’d never been one to deal in emotions.
However, as I stared at her mouth stretched broad, bringing out deep-set dimples I didn’t even realized she had, there was no missing the fact that she was elated right now.
“Come,” she beckoned. “They’ll want to see you. Last they remember, you were no longer with us.”
She couldn’t have known this, but the very thing she just pointed out was perhaps my biggest source of anxiety when it came to facing them. They’d be expecting their sister, and would instead get … me.
My feet didn’t move and Liam didn’t miss a thing—not my stiff posture, not the terrified look I’m sure I had.
He glanced toward Hilda. “Mind giving us a sec?”
She nodded quickly. “I’m headed upstairs anyway. Elise has asked that I prepare a meal for the boys.”
Her jovial tone made it clear she had no problem doing so, even at this late hour.
Alone, Liam turned to me, his gentle gaze steadying my heart just a little.
“What is it?”
That one question had so many answers. “What if I’m too different?” I started. “What if it weirds them out that I don’t remember? What if …”