Page 83 of Season of the Wolf
I’d gone through a range of emotions during the day, but once I saw him, the only one that remained was relief.
I loved him enough that the hell I’d been through didn’t even matter. I imagined he had a similar feeling when I came back yesterday from the journey to save my parents.
“Please don’t hate me.” It seemed like such a silly thing for him to say.
Letting my eyes drift closed as I held him. I shook my head. “Couldn’t even if I tried.”
My cheek was warm to his and I noticed the difference already. The strength in his arms as they gripped my waist tighter, the energy that vibrated within him. It was so familiar, but much,muchstronger than it’d ever been before. I guessed it had to do with what Hilda explained, about his DNA basically being supercharged now. But I didn’t care if he was different. No matter what changed, he was still mine.
I leaned away, parting my lips to speak, but those words never came. Instead, I conveyed the feeling with an action—a kiss so deep I could’ve swore I felt it down in my soul.
He didn’t need to ask my forgiveness. I understood. He was never meant to be only human. He was a dragon, the fiercest the world had ever seen.
And he was mine.
“I’m so sorry.” He exhaled the words and I felt them moving feverishly over my lips as my legs cinched his waist just a little tighter.
I didn’t answer, only kissed him harder, deeper. It felt so good knowing we’d been given a second chance, an opportunity to give forever another try.
I hadn’t voiced it to him, but I was all too aware of how limited our time could have been. But now, thanks to an act some considered stupid, and I considered brave … we had that back.
Our kiss slowed and my fingers came to rest at the nape of his neck just beneath his hair. I would have stayed there with him forever, but I couldn’t be selfish with his time tonight.
“We should get inside,” I suggested. “Hilda’s been worried about you, too.”
He responded with a nod while his gaze stayed trained on me, but before placing me on the ground again, another kiss pressed to my lips.
This moment, having him back … it meant everything.
With our fingers laced, we took slow steps toward the door. My eyes traced the outline of finely sculpted muscle that showed through the back of his t-shirt as he led me into the house. Everyone still congregated in the foyer, waiting for him, no doubt. Just like I suspected, Hilda made quick work of getting to Liam first. She trulydidmiss him, and if he hadn’t believed it when I told him before, he should now.
She stepped forward, placing a hand on Liam’s cheek, offering a warm smile before speaking. “You’re stubborn as a mule, but … I admire your courage,” she admitted.
He laughed, taking no offense to my aunt’s abrasive way of even sayingnicethings.
“When you get a moment,” she said as the smile she wore faded just a little, “Come see me. It can wait until morning, but … we need to talk.”
Liam seemed to notice the shift in her tone, too, but didn’t address it. Now more than before, I had a deeper suspicion that the conversation with the Oracleswasabout him.
My heart fluttered a little, but I tried to ignore it.
“I’ll find you in the morning then,” he promised, which seemed to appease Hilda for now.
Even with her clearly deciding not to ruin the night, I couldn’t shake the feeling that, whatever this was she needed to discuss with Liam … it was about to change everything.
The house was still and quiet. We laid face-to-face, the room illuminated only by the flicker of a single candle’s flame. With the sheet draped over my body, tucked beneath my arms, Liam was the opposite. He was so free with me and I envied that. Envied that the years he remembered with me made him so confident, knowing there was no real need to hide. I guessed I’d get over that eventually, just not tonight.
I breathed deep, loving that twinge of smoke I caught hints of in the air, smoke that wasn’t my own. It was his, a sign he was back.
Lacing my fingers with his, my gaze roamed every inch of his smooth skin, still in awe over the absence of curved lines and vibrant color that once marked it.
I breathed deep, trying to sense my dragon, but she still hadn’t returned. I half thought she’d be back and stronger than ever by now, but that wasn’t the case.
When I released a heavy sigh, Liam’s brow twitched. Next, a warm hand landed on my cheek.