Page 88 of Season of the Wolf
“I’ll head over there,” was my final decision.
“We’ll drive you,” Chris offered.
I gave a nod and then, reluctantly, unlocked the door, preparing to make a fast break for the cars.
Rushing out into the open wasn’t ideal, but neither was sitting idle in the house, making ourselves easy targets. So, after a quick look outside, the four of us took a collective deep breath, and then ran for it—Chris and Lucas to Chris’ jeep where I’d join them in a second, but first, I got Roz to her car. She climbed in and leveled a look on me that said so much, and before parting ways, I kissed her.
“Please, go straight home,” I urged.
She nodded, letting me know she wouldn’t deviate.
With that, making sure she was on her way first, I doubled back to the jeep and hopped in the back. The engine revved and, as we took off, I only now got the full scope of the property, the dark warning someone left just for me. There were at least a hundred, which meant this was the work of a large group. Mutts. Soldiers maybe.
I scanned the faces as we pulled off, believing many of these people must have been survivors of the flood, those forced to sleep outdoors, vulnerable.
I turned away from the scene, the death and carnage that’d been staged overnight. Had to.
Richie would be waiting if I didn’t tell him our plans had changed, so I dialed him. Naturally, with things heating up, he answered on the first ring.
“Almost to the house. You’re in route?” he asked.
When I replied with a hesitant, “Uhh … yes and no,” he puffed a heavy sigh into the phone.
“Now’s not the time for games. Go straight to the house,” he commanded, adding. “No detours.”
“Don’t have a choice. Evie’s not answering and I need to let her know what’s up.”
Truth was, ifIwas being targeted, she definitely would be, too.
If that hadn’t already happened.
Another sigh into the phone before Richie spoke, ending our call with a very irritated, “Meet you there.”
Following my directions, Chris pulled up near Evie’s within minutes. On cue, the infuriating buzz in my ears began—a sound close to the high-pitched frequency emitted by electronic devices. Pulses of energy I could usually only hear, but today … Ifeltthem.
Moving all over my skin.
It wasn’t far from thought how much more in control I felt when Roz was with me, but I’d have to make due this time. Besides, this would just be a quick visit to pass this information along, then I’d be gone. I closed my eyes tightly, willing myself to keep it together. When I opened them, I felt more normal.
The drive up was the exact opposite of the scenery outside myownhome this morning. Where mine had been transformed into a nightmarish graveyard, the property near Evie’s was dense with makeshift camps, shifters torn between fleeing and staying around to make sure Seaton Falls was battle-ready.
Chris surveyed as we slowed our pace. A distracted, “Wow,” left his mouth at the precise moment I thought it. That I knew of, no one had been ordered to set up camp in any particular location, but from the looks of it, most had chosen to flock close to her. Maybe for their own protection. Maybe to ensure hers.
When we reached the gate to find that my brothers had beaten us here. Richie was already out of his truck, in deep conversation with one of the guards.
The guys and I stepped out, and that powerful energy strengthened even more. It was … stifling. While I knew I was the only one experiencing it, it was so overwhelming I found that hard to believe.
What had changed that made it so much more intense?
Once it started a few weeks ago, it seemed to grow stronger every time I was in Evie’s presence. I had no idea whether the change was withinme,or … withinher. Whatever the case, I wanted to get this over with and get as far away from here as possible.
Both, for my sanity and Evie’s safety.
“I need to speak with her.”
I’d already gotten the statement out, addressing nearby guards before my feet stopped just shy of the gate. Apparently, my fast approach was seen as a threat, because I’d clearly set a few of them on edge. I guessed as much when large rifles—likely loaded with magic-laced bullets—were pointed toward my head.
What they may have perceived to be aggression, was actually desperation. I had to do this quickly so I could get out of here.