Page 20 of Fate of the Fallen
I could only imagine how this was affecting them.
“I’d like to see him,” I stated, sitting up in bed, pausing when Liam took a light hold of my wrist.
“I don’t think that’s wise,” he urged. “Ivan’s not … he’s not well. Had Hilda not sedated him, he’d still be out of his mind with pain, but still … there’s nothing she can do about the wound.”
That agony I sensed from the beginning was more apparent now, but I was suspicious he didn’t just feel it for himself. Maybe he felt it for me, too. Maybe he wasalsoreminded of a time not so long ago when I sat byhisside while he lie in a similar state. At the thought of it—how desperate and dark those days were for me—I shuddered.
Pushing the horrible memory aside, my gaze locked with his. “I’ll be fine,” I insisted, placing a foot on the carpet.
He was one step ahead of me, hopping up to approach my side of the bed in the blink of an eye.
“Evangeline, stress is the last thing you need right now. The others all agree,” he reasoned, placing both hands on my waist as he drew me closer.
I guessed he thought he could stop me, but his plea went in one ear and out the other. I was pretty sure my family was struggling to hold it together just beyond this bedroom door and I intended to help in whatever way I could. Staying locked in here wasn’t an option. I wasn’t an invalid, wasn’t fragile. Notyetanyway. Heck, just yesterday none of us even knewthere was anything going on with me. I wouldn’t start acting helpless twenty-four-hours later simply because I was now aware of my condition.
“I’m fine,” I assured him with a kiss to his cheek.
He stared when I slipped from his grasp to change out of my nightshirt and into a tee and shorts. I was ready to head out, but a pleading stare halted me.
“He’s in a bad way, Evangeline … Please.”
It was then, when he all but begged me not to go to Ivan right away, that I knew for sure he meant to protect me from my own memories, from what I’d been through.
As much as I wanted to be at my brother’s side, as much as I wanted to show my support to the others, I wouldn’t push. I’d been stubborn and defiant enough in recent weeks for a lifetime. I’d give Liam a break on this one and would wait to visit Ivan at a better time.
“Okay,” I finally conceded.
Liam was visibly relieved when I caved. Immediately, tension drained from his expression and he breathed easier.
“Where’s Elise?” I asked, moving toward the bed to sit again before adding, “Is she holding up okay?”
He took slow steps away from the door as he thought of how to answer.
“She’s … strong, of course, but I think it’d be good if you checked in on her. Seeing him like this hasn’t been easy,” he answered.
I figured as much. She must have been devastated. After everything she’d gone through to bring them back. To bringusback.
“I’ll go check on her, but please tell my brothers my heart is with them,” I requested. If I couldn’t stand at their side, I at least wanted them to know I was beside them in spirit.
Liam gave a nod. “I will, but keeping you away wasn’t just my idea. It was theirs, too.”
Of course it was. Knowing how much they cared about me,lovedme … it brought a smile to my face.
Since meeting them, not a day went by that I wasn’t reminded of how important they were to me, to our unit as a whole. Now with one wounded, it was like holding my breath, hoping and praying Ivan would pull through.
Whatever happened from here … it was happening to all of us.
My family.
Chapter Six
I stood outside Elise’s bedroom, waiting. From what Liam explained, she’d been at Ivan’s side since they arrived home at the crack of dawn. Had it not been for Hilda insisting she get some rest, I was certain she’d still be there.
Quiet steps on the other side of the door had me standing straighter. With all that transpired, there was no telling what state I’d find her in. There was already so much resting on our shoulders collectively as a family, and now this situation with Ivan.