Page 32 of Fate of the Fallen
It brought back to my memory how Nick had turned on me in the blink of an eye. How he’d seemingly forgotten the bond we shared, a bond that had been the cause of him saving my life once, a bond that had made him come after me when I’d gone to save my parents. We were friends, shared a love for one another that wasn’t common. And yet … it hadn’t been enough to stop him from wanting to complete the task.
Killing me.
I didn’t realize I was shaking until Liam rubbed my back.
“You’re not there,” he said reassuringly. “You’re here with me. You’re safe.”
I heard him, but seeing how impossible that thing was to stop, I wasn’t sure I believed it.
“Who was Zahara?” The question left my mouth before I could stop myself, but I suppose I just needed to know.
Were the things I was seeing real?
Liam’s hand had been moving across my skin in slow circles, but at the mention of her, he stopped.
“I … I haven’t heard that name in years,” he said, confirming what I already felt.Shewas real, which meant … I wasn’t losing my mind.
“She was a good friend of yours,” he went on to explain. “We had actually made plans to travel to visit her right before you—”
When his sentence ended abruptly, I knew exactly what he was going to say because I had somehow just relived all this in my dreams.
“She and her mate had recently welcomed their first child into the world,” Liam explained. “They sent an invitation for us to visit their estate for two weeks, to catch up, to bond with the baby.” He paused again before saying more. “She loved you. Deeply. The bond between you two was similar to what you and Beth share. After you passed she … she never quite recovered from the loss. Last I heard, she and her mate left Bahir Dar and never looked back.”
I breathed deep, feeling things I hadn’t before. My death had a ripple effect, touching lives beyond those of my family members. I hadn’t considered the toll it may have taken on friends, the kingdom as a whole, but now I did. I felt it.
“How can this … why is this happening?” I asked, feeling the heat of a tear as it streaked down my cheek.
Liam hugged me tighter. “I’m not sure,” he breathed. “I didn’t even think it was possible.”
He’d taken the words right out of my mouth. I, too, thought I’d always feel like my old self and the new were two entirely different beings. However, if these memories continued to puncture the veil, I couldn’t help but wonder if my old life was somehow colliding with the present.
“I just wish I knew what it all meant,” I admitted aloud.
I had so many questions, so many thoughts to run past Liam, but a frantic knock at the bedroom door made them all scatter.
Liam was on his feet within seconds, snatching the door open to find a wide-eyed Elise standing across the threshold. With so few words, she made the thin sense of security I managed to cling to tonight evaporate into thin air.
“It’s Nick,” she panted, her gaze shifting to me when adding, “he’s escaped.”
Chapter Ten
Five massive wolves darted through the gate, fanning out in all directions as soon as they crossed the barrier. A wall of guards quickly organized just beyond the property line. I should have been out there, scouring the woods with them.
I regretted, now more than ever, having let others steer me from my first thoughts toward Nick … I should have killed him. So many chances had slipped through my fingers and, for one reason or another, I didn’t act. I should have cared less who’s feelings would have been hurt, who would have been angry, and just … did it.
Those whose feelings actually mattered would have gotten over it.
A warm hand touched the back of my arm and I couldn’t even look down at her, couldn’t look the love of my life in her eyes knowing that beast was out there. Knowing I could have done something about it a long time ago. It felt like I failed … failed her, failed our child, failed myself.
“Hopefully they’ll find him,” Evangeline breathed, resting her head against my bicep right after.
“It should have never come down to ahope,”I seethed, feeling the tension mounting in my limbs, my brow. “I should have done what I knew needed to be done.”
Evangeline was silent, but a stern voice from behind filled the void.