Page 6 of Fate of the Fallen
On several occasions, I heard Elise, Hilda and others mention that our war was soon to begin. This was clearly the opinion of those who had limited engagement in combat. They hadn’t stared war in its cruel, dark eyes like I had. More often than not, it came quietly. Not in a storm of battle cries or courageous stampedes toward the enemy. The war Sebastian waged on us had been underway for quite some time already. Starting when he showed up in Seaton Falls with ill-intent, attempting to capture Evangeline, instead settling for me. Again, when he wreaked havoc on the residents by flooding the valley. War wasn’t just about massive displays of firepower or hand-to-hand engagement. While I was sure it would one day come to a heated crescendo … this fight had arrived at our door months ago.
The motive behind his latest tactic—dead bodies littered across the lawn—was unclear, but it was a threat nonetheless. Whether one to the entire clan or Nick personally, we couldn’t let it go unchecked. Doing so would send a message of weakness, passivism. Sebastian made it known he’d only keep hitting us harder and closer to the heart each time.
This fact made tonight’s mission one-hundred-percent necessary, and the guys all agreed—Elise’s boys, Dallas, the Stokes brothers. Our hands were tied for a while, but now that our numbers had swelled, we stood a chance at turning things in our favor.
The only thing that kept me sane while waiting for the signal to head out was lying here, holding Evangeline in the darkness. As if she knew the power being near her had over me, warmth spread through my chest when she nestled her head against it. The others had left us in peace for the better part of the day, although I knew that hadn’t been an easy thing to do. Their concern for her ran almost as deep as mine.
Especially now that their concern was no longer just for her, but also … for the child.
The stark contrast of life and death surrounding us was difficult to fathom, starting with the information Nick had come to deliver. Seeing him triggered brought back memories that were always so alive inside my head they hardly felt like memories at all. They were more like nightmares I relived every day with my eyes wide open.
Every time Evangeline smiled.
When I held her.
I’d never forget seeing that beast flee with her clasped beneath his arm, stealing more from me than just a physical body.
She was my entire life.
My gaze lowered to her stomach with that thought, despite it being too early for her to show. Before today, we had no clue as to her condition, but … she held something so precious within her, so fragile. I didn’t think it was possible to feel more protective over her than I already did, but now I knew how flawed my thinking had been. Not only was I responsible forherlife, I was also responsible for the one we created.
Together in love.
“I’m scared,” she breathed, letting the words leave her lips in a rush.
“If you’re talking about tonight, there’s nothing to worry about,” I assured her. “We’re just following up on a lead Dallas was given.”
She shook her head, letting me know I misunderstood. “No, not just that. It’s … I don’t know what’s supposed to happen from here. After today—with Nick, with Sebastian—everything’s changed. And now … a kid.”
Evangeline pushed a hand through her dark curls, releasing another breath before adding, “I don’t even know where to start, what moves are the right moves, what my priorities are supposed to be. It’s just … everything’s happening so fast.”
She was on the verge of spiraling. When water pooled in the corners of her eyes, I acted quickly to reel her back in. At the feel of my hand against her cheek, she peered up at me.
“You’re mine. Whatever it takes to bring you through this, whatever it takes to keep you safe … it’s as good as done,” I assured her, and I meant every word. Our growing family wouldalwaysbe my top priority.
She stared, those tears still threatening to fall, but I imagined for a very different reason now than before. She knew how fiercely she was loved. By me, by so many others.
Today, in the blink of an eye, our entire game plan had changed. I was never keen on the idea of having her fight at my side, but was comforted knowing she’d come into her own and was capable of doing so. However, now, I wanted nothing more than for her to be kept as far away from Sebastian and his army as possible. There were several reasons, but one in particular stood out above the rest.
He couldn’t, under any circumstances, know she was with child.
And that could become a challenge much sooner than Evangeline may have realized.
Her being a hybrid complicated things. The experience of bringing a child into the world was drastically different for a lycan female than a dragon and her condition could manifest in either manner. In short, there was no way to predict the path her body would follow—that of a wolf or that of a dragon. Had this been months ago, I would have been sure, but since her lesser side had been so prevalent lately, it was unclear.
A lycan female’s term was similar to that of a human, but with the additional discomfort of birthing larger offspring. For a dragon, the process was drastically different—abbreviated and more intense physically, emotionally, a fact that some argue may be proof our strength and ferocity starts in the womb. Trying to guess which turn this would take was impossible, but if Evangeline’s dragondiddecide to dominate her term, she’d be vulnerable a lot sooner than she was likely expecting.
Weallwould be.
Smooth skin met my fingertips where I stroked the side of her neck.
“How bad do you think things will get?” she asked. Her voice was quiet, as if she might be afraid to hear the answer.