Page 8 of Fate of the Fallen
My eyes closed at the feel of her hand to my cheek, at the feel of the love that one touch conveyed.
“We just have to keep believing this hasn’t all been for nothing, Liam—the pain, the fight … the loss,” she breathed.
Maybe she was stronger than me, capable of suspending reality longer than I was used to doing, because we clearly saw this ending two different ways.
“A keeper,” I blurted, bringing confusion to her expression when I uttered the term.
“A … what? What’s a keeper?”
“It’s an old phrase,” I explained. “One that hasn’t been used in our realm in centuries, but mostly because it hasn’t applied. In short, it’s a female warrior assigned to an expectant noblewoman. Her sole duty would be to watch over you. To tend to you and protect you at all cost.”
Evangeline said nothing, so I wasn’t sure how this was going over.
“I could send for someone,” I added. “I have allies overseas. I’ve crossed paths with some of the fiercest female shifters walking the Earth. Right off the top of my head, I can think of three who—”
“Liam, stop.”
My lips stayed parted when she cut me off midsentence and I stared. A soft breath passed between Evangeline’s lips and I knew she was getting ready to kill this option just like she’d killed the others.
“I can’t … It isn’t fair to ask someone to put their life on the line for me. To ask them to leave their families, their homes,” she added, falling silent before finishing her thought.
It dawned on me that she might have been reflecting on her own life, how she’d lost so much. Being a woman of integrity, having such a big heart, she’d never dream of letting me ask someone to walk away from their loved ones to protect her.
I understood. Ihatedit, but … I understood.
I was fully prepared to plead my case one last time, beg if I had to, but a knock at the door stole my chance. Unspoken words burned in my throat, needing to be said sooner rather than later. For a moment, I considered telling whoever interrupted to come back a little later, but a second, more urgent pounding finally got me off the bed.
I snatched the door open and my solemn expression was met by six impatient stares—Evangeline’s brothers.
The bed creaked behind me, followed by the sound of soft feet padding across the floor. The feel of a warm hand pressed gently to my back the next second was expected. The guys’ gazes shifted to Evangeline where she now stood beside me, leaning into my side despite our disagreement.
She greeted them with a smile that hid her true feelings, the fear and concern she was only willing to expose to me.
“Sorry to interrupt, but the others are here,” Josiah said first. “One of the guards just informed Dallas that they’re waiting at the gate.”
A deep breath left my mouth. It was time to head out, but I didn’t like the idea of leaving this conversation unfinished, didn’t like the idea of leaving with such an important issue unresolved.
Evangeline turned to face me, a weary smile on her lips.
“Go,” she urged softly. “We’ll talk when you get back.”
We both knew that wouldn’t be until morning, but there wasn’t much choice. Before letting me out of her sight, she stretched up on the tips of her toes and kissed me once.
“Please, be careful,” she said before glancing at each of her brothers when adding, “Allof you.”
They nodded, assuring her they’d try, and I did the same.
“Before we go,” Josiah piped, “there was something we wanted to say earlier, but weren’t sure the time was right.” He paused, standing front and center as he held Evangeline’s gaze. “We’re aware the circumstances aren’t ideal, but—”
“But it seems congratulations are in order,” Ethan interjected, finishing his brother’s thought with a huge grin.
Yeah, this brood was amped up to go spy on Sebastian’s operation tonight, but this energy they exuded was something else. Excitement, brought on by the idea of there being a new addition joining our family in the coming months.
“The arrival of a child is always something to celebrate,” Ivan added, speaking with the same air of decorum as the others, a sound that had long since faded from time.
I managed a smile. A genuine one as I uttered a response. “… Thank you.”
My shoulder was shaken hard when Declan gripped it as he spoke. “Still as virile as ever. My guess? It will be a strong, healthy boy,” he said with certainty.