Page 112 of The Golden Boys
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Chapter 35
The last thing I needed was for my sister to see pics of me and West plastered all over social media, but it is what it is. I can’t take anything back.
Thanks, Pandora.
Guess this is the price of living in Cypress Pointe. The cost of somehow being dragged into the fishbowl in which the north side’s elite dwell.
After a lengthy conversation with Scar about how West and I werenotscrewing in the pool tonight, I finally got around to doing homework. Now thatthat’sdone, I’ve worked up the nerve to call Jules.
The line trills and she picks up on the second ring. That feeling of dread comes back almost instantly
“Dude,” she answers. “If this isn’t about you and West banging it out in the pool, I have nothing to say to you. What took you so long to call?”
I laugh a little. It’s nothing short of a miracle she didn’t call me first.
“We weren’t having sex,” I explain, sounding more and more like a politician, working to clear my name after a smear campaign.
“Well, it certainly looked that way to me,” is her sassy response. “And … it also looked that way to Ricky.”
For some reason, hearing that makes my stomach drop suddenly.
“He called you?” I ask as casually as I can.
“Well, it started with him sending a series of texts, but I calledhimwhen I got sick of typing,” she shares. “But … yeah. Shit like that’s just hard for him to see, you know?”
Idoknow this, which is another reason I hate that Pandora and her spies plaster things like this online for all to see. And with zero context at that. Not that context would’ve helped in this situation, but still.
“If it makes you feel any better, I covered for you despite being pretty sure the pic said it all,” she adds. “I told him it probably isn’t what it seems. Not sure he bought it, but I tried.”
A frustrated sigh leaves me, and it isn’t hard to imagine how upset Ricky must be right now.
“Thanks anyway. I’ll give him a call tomorrow,” I decide.
“Mmm … maybe give it some time,” Jules advises sweetly, likely to spare my feelings. “He’s still processing the idea of you actually being with someone else. In his head, I think you’re probably always gonna behisgirl. It’ll just take some time to accept that you’re with West now.”
I’m quiet, because I’mnotwith West, which brings me to the reason I’ve called her tonight. Drawing both feet onto my bed, I get comfortable before diving headfirst into anuncomfortableconversation. Falling back, I slink beneath a blanket and stare at the twinkling lights I’ve strung haphazardly across my ceiling with pushpins.
“Jules, I need advice,” I admit, because it’s the simple truth. “But first … I need to tell you something I should’ve told you a long time ago.”
“I’m listening,” she says sweetly.
I force out a sharp breath and just go for it. “Thereissomething going on between me and West, but it’s not nearly as clean cut as that.”
“Sounds juicy. Do continue,” she teases, which makes me smile a little.
“The truth is that West and I have been in this really weird space,” I start. “And it gets weirder and more intense by the day, but … I’m not really sure how to handle it.”
“Well,that’san easy one to help with,” she chimes in. “You slingshot your panties at the guy and say to hell with all the rest of it. I mean, you haveseenhim, right?”
I’d forgotten how biased she is when it comes to the triplets, but that comment quickly reminds me.
“It’s not that simple, Jules.”
“Okay, okay. Then tell me why it’s complicated and I’ll do my best to help you figure things out,” she offers. “That’s what besties are for.”